I'm about to do a challenge - any tips?

Home Forums Kritiek I'm about to do a challenge - any tips?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Kim 8 jaar geleden.

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  • #311
    So for the month of november I am going to try and do one 30-minute session of drawing hands, each day. I am hoping to improve as much as possible, and I might also extend the challenge when I am finished.
    I was just wondering if anybody could give me any pointers to what I should focus on, or exercises I could be doing to get the right anatomy or technique. Are there maybe any specific art books I should get? (I have only used the internet until now)

    5-10 minute drawings from the 3 first days:

    Also you don't have to neatly pack the critique into nice words, I just really want to hear the truth so that I can move forward as fast and effective as possible!

    Thank you!

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    What an excellent start and an ambitious goal! I commend you heartily. :)

    My advice would be to pick a goal that is much more specific than "improve as much as possible." This is a very fuzzy and hard to measure goal, and doesn't give your brain much to focus on.

    A more specific goal might be, "Use a wider range of pencil values for rendering" or "gain a deep understanding of all the joints in the toes"

    You could have different goals per day, but make sure it's not as nebulous as "improve" or "improve at drawing"

    Often, when you have finished your daily practice, you will review at the end and think, I really struggled with X aspect of this, or I'm not satisfied with X part of these drawings. Rephrase whatever that was as a goal, write it on a post it note, and stick it on your monitor for the next day's practice! :)

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