Journey: How to set goals and work towards betterment?

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Ggarner2 3 years ago.

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  • #25385

    Art and drawing is a huge thing though in the last month of learning the fundamentals and practicing daily, I have found out that some principles always apply to whatever you are drawing like perspective, volume, simplification, composition, colour,( please mention if I have missed out any point). But since there's so much information to handle all at once, a begginner artist like me often gets confused as to what to do and how to progress. I am currently studying animation so I really need to get better at drawing and make my art seamless. I understand that that will take time, a lot of practice and hard work and consistency, but can anyone help me with a drill to get better at drawing? My goal is to be able to draw everything that spans from humans, to cars, to trees, environement, objetcs, etc. Once, I reach a place where I can draw all of these seamlessly, I will take up the venture to master any single field like life drawing or abstraction or whatever it is. Am i going in the right direction? Suggest any changes? Any leads?


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    If what you want is to draw people, draw people. Drawing people is what life drawing is. Life drawing is often considered the most basic of basic art skills, and a foundation for everything else. It can be used to study every single other aspect of art, and it has the side benefit of you can always use yourself as a model even if you can't get other models.


    thanks for your reply. but a quick question. how much time should i be spending on studying one single figure and rendering it? and is a realistic render that what i am aiming for?


    Do a 30m class, preferably with the tutorial on. It will walk you through from 30s figures to 10m. It will be very challenging and you might feel very distressed afterwards. Make a point of going through your pictures, especially the very short poses and finding at least one thing you did well or picking one where you feel you did the best job.

    Now put those drawings away and do your best to forget about them. Go draw, have fun. Your fun drawings will probably feel subtly easier. Do your best to make sure you're spending at least 30 minutes on fun drawing for every class you do, and more is better.

    The next 30m class you do will probably feel pretty bad too. Make a point of picking out the drawings you like and then forgetting about it to go have fun.

    When you hit 6 classes, you will have drawn over 100 people. You should feel like you are getting a lot better tho you may not understand how. You probably will have new and different questions about drawing people than you do right now. It might even be worth going through the tutorial again for class 7 to help you think more clearly about what you understand and what you think the problems are.

    A lot of people want to rush into 1h, or even 4h classes. DO NOT DO THIS. Figure drawing is exhausting. Even most working artists do not do a figures class of 4h and they draw all the damn time it can seem like. Class is different from drawing for fun or drawing for a work brief. It works your brain differently.

    If you're tempted by longer classes because a regular figures class is feeling easy, instead try one of the other class modes like hands or landscapes or faces. You'll immediately feel like you don't know anything again and like you have a million questions.


    Thanks a ton Torrilin. Your answer really helped me a lot! Best wishes!


    Fala Arka.
    Só para deixar claro. Como você quer conseguir desenhar tudo de cabeça, assim como eu.. saiba que você nunca vai deixar de estudar desenho.
    Sempre vai precisar fazer estudos do que você quer desenhar ao longo do tempo.
    O bom é que com o tempo de prática, você vai conseguir indentificar em que deve direcionar sua atenção no estudo.

    Somente com a prática você descubrirar em que deve focar na hora do estudo, iguinorando outros elementos desnecessários.
    A dica que posso te passar, é você estudar por partes o que você pretende desenhar... Ex: Quer desenhar rostos, então estude elementos do rosto separadamente, como sobrancelhas, olhos, bocas, nariz, orelhas, cabelos, formatos de rostos e expressões.
    Quanto tempo para cada elemento? Quando sentir que consegue desenhar um elemento com facilidade, você muda pra outro, até você fazer o estudo de todos os elementos do que você pretende desenhar.
    Isso leva tempo, semanas, até meses. Mas você vai ver progresso.

    E dê prioridade para estudos diários de alguns poucos minutos do que fazer estudos por longas horas por poucos dias na semana.
    Ex: Em vez de reservar um domingo para ficar 8 horas estudando desenho.
    Faça ou compre sketchbooks e carregue sempre um com você.
    sempre que tiver um tempinho livre, você saca o sketchbook e "manda bala".


    Something I started doing this year was tracking how much I drew in a planner. Everytime I drew, I put a smily face in the planner, everytime I colored, I put a star, any time I did both I did a star. It helped me draw a lot more because I was able to see how much time I drew and this made me draw a lot more because I was dissapinted in myself for only drawing 10 times a month. So I would draw about 10/31 days of the month. Ever since I started doing the planner, I have seen myself drawing about 20/31 days of the month. This also helped me to draw longer than 30 minutes and now I draw for about two or three hours. I also like to start out with warm ups by doing class mode gesture drawing.

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