Forumberichten van Adelinejean07

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  • #25613
    Looking at your practices I noticed that your legs tend to be too skinny for the rest of the body, the rest of the anatomy is done really well though! I think that you might benefit now from drawing your figures larger, let 2 or 3 figures take up the whole page, you'll be able to notice your own mistakes better. I like the sharp lines that you are using, try combining some more sloping round lines with your sharp lines to create a more interesting figure. Over all I really enjoy your figures and think that are doing really well!
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    I think that the movement in your figures is fantastic. The figures done in red have real confidence to them, I am assuming they are the ones you spent a longer time on, just because you have less time doesn't mean that you can't have just as confident lines. Between the two sessions that you have posted though you have improved so much and you are on a great track and have an understanding of what figure drawing is. I'd say that these are great practices and keep going!
    I think that this is a great start to gesture drawing! A pen is a great way to make yourself focus on drawing and not erasing too much. Don't be afraid to go bigger and let 2 or 3 figures take up the whole page, this helps you notice proportional mistakes more.

    Happy Creating!
    I think that you are definitely going in the right direction with your practicing! the notes are a great way to improve and how you build up the arms and legs in some of the figures with the disks is a great way to understand better how the body works. I think that right now continuing to practice is really important so you can start to learn more about what is wrong with your gestures. A problem that you seem to have right now is keeping everything in proportion, your arms and legs most often are either too small or too long. I think it would be helpful to try practicing some drawings of people just standing and doing some longer poses and taking a while to really map out the pose and keep in mind your proportions. I think what you're doing right now is amazing and just continue drawing and practicing different ways and leaving yourself more notes.

    Happy Creating!
    Your figure drawings are impressive and show that you understand a lot of concepts. I noticed that in about half of the drawings it seems that you are just using a contour line and not necessarily thinking about what is underneath. Even just gesturally drawing the ribcage and the hips and their angle within the pose can lend a lot of believability to your poses. Dont be afraid to push your poses more too, in the 4th page the gestures are particularly strong with your use of fluid line and capturing the gesture not the figure. Those two figures in particular are stunning. I would say that overall you have a decent understanding of the form and leaning into the gesture of the person and thinking about what is underneath the silhouette will help your work improve. Beautiful work overall!
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    Specifically, on the second and third pages, your ability to capture expressive faces in such a few lines is really impressive. I've noticed you have a tendency to let the nose get to large and proportional for the face. Your gestural drawing is really impressive though.