Forumberichten van Bitchy Medic

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  • #1237

    I'm afraid I don't really have examples to show you, because I have a habit of erasing parts of drawings if they don't turn out well. So basically, anything that I could have used is gone at this point. My drawings are also scattered (some digital, some traditional) and quite unorganized, sorry.

    I have never really found drawing basic shapes - the technique that many suggest to beginner (and experienced) artists - very helpful at all, but I will try it next time. I could also use some more practice with anatomy for sure.

    Thank you for your advice!


    Particularly, legs in a neutral, standing position. I can draw them in most other positions fine. I also have difficulty connecting legs to hips/a torso and making it look natural rather than artificial and "stiff". I've tried sketching from photos several times, but it's pretty hard to find good references. Does anybody know of any sites or somewhere I can easily find references of people standing without posing in any way (this is the problem with Google Images)?

    I'm also looking for tips on how to draw legs better. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    Yes. I went through a 2 year long hiatus (although shorter than what you described). I completely feel the same about drawing - it's the one thing that allows me to step away from life and truly be me.

    Actually, I'm currently struggling with the pride thing. I get so worked up about making things look PERFECT that sometimes I hardly enjoy the process itself... I also compare myself to other artists, but recently I've been converting that negative energy into motivation to improve. The thought of being as skilled as them one day is exciting enough to keep me going.

    It seems that changes in my life is what prompted me to start drawing again. It began with some concept doodles inspired by something - then in no time I began creating character after character (these are hypothetical people I imagine), developing them, giving them distinct personalities, and kind of imagining/illustrating how they move, talk, think, and interact with one another. Finally an outlet for all my creative energy. This is the reason I'm on this site, by the way - I don't have much experience drawing people so I have lots of room to improve and get comfortable with drawing human figures.
    Before, I wasn't serious about drawing. Now I am. I'd say I'm back in the game with more inspiration and motivation than I had before :)

    As for your drawings, I can definitely tell you haven't lost your talent. I would recommend doing MANY practice sketches while paying close attention to the shape of the objects, how they connect to other structures, etc. This is the single thing that has helped me improve the most.

    I look forward to seeing your improvements!


    Your form is excellent. However, the figures still look somewhat rigid. I would exaggerate the curves a little more, which helps give an impression of motion of the limbs.


    I'd like to see your gesture drawings as well, looking forward to seeing them! :)


    Your drawings look superb. Your proportions are good, and I generally like how you handled things. One thing that you could do to improve, however, is communicating more motion. Have you done gesture drawings yet? These look good as they are (especially the third one), but some could look more "alive".
