March 29, 2015 8:05pm #1314The thing that still confuses me about Geture is this guy says to draw the Motion not the Contour but isnt that what he is doing? i mean he is just drawing a Silohuette isnt that what contour is? this stuff is so confusingMarch 23, 2015 11:04pm #229So when Drawing Gestures you just draw a rough drawing of the action right, like if its someone getting punched then i just draw some quick lines of the guy punching and then add on from there? because i know you do it quick but do i draw like a Stick figure essentially of the guy?December 31, 2014 4:54am #218like i have been drawing with a new technique for a little bit and i can only draw a good proportion figure every other page i draw (every page i draw 3 figures, so 2 out of 9 times i think) and its really annoying. im trying to pay attention to what im doing whenever i draw a new figure so i can try to be consistent, is this normal when your just starting? or should i look harder at what im doingDecember 27, 2014 8:23pm #217hey i i have been drawing figures on paper for awhile and im trying to make the transition over to digital, and i just need to see if im doing good with this pad.
http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h60/Iori587/NewCanvas1_zpsc9e2df7e.jpgDecember 16, 2014 4:51am #212should i learn how to draw shapes, like drawing boxes then move onto drawing people? or should i just go straight into learning how to draw people. i really want to be able to draw people but i dont know if its something i have to work towards, like if i have to be really good at drawing shapes to start drawing people. Also how long should i draw for like 30- an Hour? or is just 20 minutes okay.December 10, 2014 10:17pm #211i saw this guys video tutorial awhile ago and he was saying that if you use references too much you will become Dependant on them, and when you try to draw from your imagination you would not do as well. is this true? since i barely use references because of that because im afraid i will become too dependant, Will this hinder me in any way? -