Forumberichten van NovRaine

  • Auteur
  • #803

    Hey there, good points, and I agree the set of 7 are a little better and wee bit more detailed than the 10 (seem more linear sketches.)

    I can only suggest something I do when sketching realism: I use points of reference to help with proportion eg: the knuckle of the bent thumb is the width of the index finger (when curled over it) between first and second knuckle of that finger.  Look closely at what you are sketching and use the creases/knuckles etc as reference for size etc.

    Hope that makes some sense haha...mostly the key thing is to really LOOK at what you are drawing, every point is relative so once you find a point to begin a section of your sketch to use as a starting point/reference, you will find with practice that things begin to fall into place and makes sense :)

    Another fun exercise you can try is drawing something up-side-down (a photo of a hand, say)....your brain will just draw the lines etc, rather than looking at it and "knowing" it's a hand/fist etc. can try this with other things and see how it can help you open up to draw more freely!!

    good luck! just keep working at it :)
