Devil Darlinqq

Waar in de wereld: US

Over Devil Darlinqq

Hello! I'm Devil Darlinqq, but you can call me Devi! My main goal is to improve my understanding of human anatomy, and to also draw more quickly! I love anything to do with character design, as well as animation! I may not animate a whole ton, but it's always fun to watch! I also use a lot of explanation ("!") points, because why not lol? I'm also learning Japanese! Japan's culture is always so fun and interesting to me. I love learning about it! I'm not very fluent, but I'm still trying my hardest! One day, I hope to become fluent enough to live in Japan! I love anime as well! Mostly for the style and charaters.

Enough about me, I hope to improve a lot while having fun here! Have a great day, and stay safe!

Devil Darlinqq's prestaties

Potlood op papier achievement badge
Tutorial voltooid achievement badge
Eerste feedback achievement badge
Eerste forumbericht achievement badge
30 minuten les achievement badge