Forumberichten van Servioart

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  • #29590
    The feet came out wonderfully all that is left is the obvious shading but needless to day that wasn't the goal on this particular excercise. My only criticism is for the hands, the fingers in particular. They sure can be annoying can they? While the linework is quite great, the fingers, as far as i see at least, seem to lack.. Volume, and a better visual implication of its form, you know? my suggestion is to break down the fingers into a series of segmented rectangular shapes. Take note of the skeletal structure of the hand to get an idea of how you'd like to best deconstruct the hand so you may better portay its likeness in respect to its three dimenional nature. Give it a show and the fingers will look must less flat for you, contour lines are also a HUGE help in identifying form, and needlesss today, assist singificantly in mapping out value. Keep up the good work!! Best of luck to you in your improvement.
    Heyyyy wassup