Right now, I am 23 years old currently (yay! :D) and I am... actually a math major looking to graduate soon from university.
My major is in Applied & Computational Mathematics - a concentration bloated with science, math and CS courses. Also has absolutely nothing to do with art! xD
Well... recently I have discovered that I have an anxiety disorder, and also ADHD so I am trying to find a way to also get myself really motivated again and I have unfortunately lost contact with all of my old friends from university. So, I am hoping that drawing art will perhaps help me to "bring myself back up" in terms of having a happy life and also maybe it will allow me to make some friends.
So, my question for you guys is this: is this site a good place for me to start? I have zero experience whatsoever; all I know is what kind of art I like to browse. For instance..
I like the following images:
http://images.clipartpanda.com/lilo-and-stitch-clip-art-may1110.gif http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/pokemon/images/c/ca/158Totodile_Pokemon_Mystery_Dungeon_Red_and_Blue_Rescue_Teams.png/revision/latest?cb=20150107222838 http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/disney/images/f/f3/Robin_Hood.gif/revision/latest?cb=20130624212316 http://s3.amazonaws.com/auteurs_production/images/film/the-fox-and-the-hound-2/w448/the-fox-and-the-hound-2.jpg
because 1.) they are SFW, 2.) they are kid friendly, 3.) they are simple and 'cartooney', ie. not too detailed, but at the same time they carry a great deal of expression!
To be completely honest, I feel a little bit "in the dark," being a Math/CS student and maybe it is really hard to find people online who are as old as me and who don't know a thing about art but want to draw! So, it feels like I am completely alone in my lack of experience but not being devoid of inspiration, if that makes sense?
So, again to ask the question as I asked above, is this place good for me? Or maybe I should start somewhere else to start? And perhaps more importantly, would I be able to find "art buddies" here to learn and practice wtih? :)