Forumberichten van Musical Squash

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  • #30589
    I like the flowing lines going on in some of them. If I were to offer advice I would say try and go for more of that flow and loosness. Generally you want gestures to be loose. For example, the top second from the right. Instead of trying to outline the figure perhaps go for the main line you see in the body. I might try for a line doing the arc of the arm then maybe another arc for the legs, then maybe more curving lines for form. These beginining lines might help you before going in with the form defining lines, to establish the basic flow of the pose. I also like the pose on the second page top right. That kind of quick flowing line on the front arm is good. An exercise that might help with this flow is the 30 second poses or perhaps even less. When you don't have a lot of time to draw it forces you to try to capture the essential lines needed to define the pose. I hope this is helpful and Merry Christmas!
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    I have been working on figure drawing fairly consistantly. I would like to know how I can improve, perhaps some exercises to help and what I might be doing well.[img][/img]om/drive/folders/1cOJBFMqZUcdnRA3KlcO1RR0zrFPDOE9j?usp=sharing