Ophelya C

Waar in de wereld: Munich Bavaria, DE

Over Ophelya C

I have been drawing on an off for some years, but I never came close to understanding what I am doing. One and a half years ago I started doing drawabox and this was the first time I took a more professional and structured approach to drawing. I have to admit, that I got burned out during the boxes challenge and I didn't finish the program. But I took the idea that fundamentals and basics are so so important. So I started from scratch. And since I am quite happy with how I draw faces for the moment I came here for figures and bodies. I am happy and motivated. The ressources on this page are amazing and exactly what I need right now! Let's draw! :D

Ophelya C's prestaties

Potlood op papier achievement badge
Tutorial voltooid achievement badge
Eerste forumbericht achievement badge
30 minuten les achievement badge
Gevraagd om kritiek achievement badge
2 totale oefenuren achievement badge
1 totale oefenuren achievement badge

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