Forumberichten van mikaere808

  • Auteur
  • #537

    I started with animals and then I moved to one last one with a model

    I still find it hard to do a complete drawing in 10 minutes which I did all of these at
    I just want to increase the accuracy of my life drawing skills. I'm a photographer by trade. I use drawing as a means to help me find the shadow shapes in things and make compositions of them. I figure if I can make an interesting composition in a drawing I should be able to do the same with a photography.
    Beautiful, very fluid and life like
    it is hard to capture in such a short time but the main thing I tried to do in short time periods like that is find motion and use a singular line to define that motion as much as possible
    You seem to be very good at catching the proportions. I would concentrate on the the shadow shapes and the seeing them. I was where were you at but once my teacher in school told me to see the shadow shapes and that everything would fall in to place after my drawing took on more of a fine art look than a sketch look. That is if what your looking for.
    the movement of the model is shown very well. They are also very consistent and proportion of each study seems to be very accurate

    here's another one I did the same night

    I would like some input on this one as well

    thanks in advance


    I did this with the 30 minute setting I need some input please

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_0018_zpscocfmflt.jpg" /></a>
    Lovely but focus more on the shadow shapes and the proportions will fall into place.