Forumberichten van Agata

  • Auteur
  • #3056


    First time giving a critique here, but here it goes: This is good effort, and exactly what I would expect from short sessions like this. Overall proportions look fair to me, and well done on drawing limbs in perspective - llike pointing forwards. Many people would consider it the more difficult part of drawing human body, but you've got it covered.

    I'd encourage you to keep practicing drawing from images and life - and look more than you draw. There are just tiny details that look a little off, which can likely be attributed to short drawing sessions more than anything else. Curves around the human body are rarely uniform, e.g. shins willl have a sharper curve at the top and taper down. It's noticeable on some of the sketches especially around thighs and sides of the chest.

    Other than that, perhaps try to have more space between the drawings, and use more sheets of paper. That way it's easier to see individual sketches, and also you don't feell like you need to shrink a sketch or cut off a bit of it to fit it in the availablle space.

    Overall: welll done, and keep goinng! you're doing great.
