Forumberichten van Ozark

  • Auteur
  • #30702

    To your first question, I'd be interested in seeing your work personally if you want to post it on here though I'd advise just picking some that you're not super sure what is/isn't working and just posting that on the critique board. With your second question I'm not sure I have good advise. Personally if I'm in a rut I like looking at older artists, Bridgeman's book Drawing from Life is always a fun one to try to figure out but its a little difficult. But also just looking at other artists like rembrandt or trying to imitate what their doing can be very helpful I think. It doesn't have to take much thinking and can be pretty relaxing.


    Honestly, my main take is that based on the notebook lines, these should be a lot bigger. It can be intimidating to try to fit a figure to a whole page but I think doing that kind of stuff helps a lot with line confidence which will get you drawing quicker and drawing more interseting shapes. I do think theres a time and place for small sketches (they're fun and get the groove going) I would say even when your putting 10 minutes aside to work on something like a study you shouldn't mind dedicating a whole page. I like the work but I'd wish you'd give yourself a little more space your line work to find its own more distinct expression.
