Inktober Day 9

by Jman3, October 10th 2018 © 2018 Jman3
Done as part of a 30 minute class. My current goal is: Better understand human anatomy, so I can render imagined poses I will use Inktober as a way to getting better at drawing human figure and try to get a more consistent drawing schedule by gaining some skill and therefore more pleasure to continue bettering my artistic abilities. This go around felt like I was on pace until the last three drawings, I didn't get as far along as I usually do. I have not been feeling great today that might attribute to the drowsy feeling I still have. Overall successful I really need to get faster at my 30sec/1min drawings. No critique this time not a good enough representation compared to before. Notes for the final drawing: Again I didn't get as far along as I thought expected. Major mistakes on the hands, I need to think of the fingers each individually. The skeleton also didnt quite work out well but I caught it on the hips and didn't mess it up too bad.
Polyvios Animations
Good evening again, Jman3. Very amazing job on your stick figure gestures, without making them seem too much like sticks, but feel more like they have the guts. Please push the envelope furthest!

