
by Akikoma, February 11th 2021 © 2021 Akikoma
Done as part of a practice session with poses of 5 minutes in length. My current goal is: I don't know! I am an absolute beginner; I'm here to study the basics of rendering Nice to meet you. I'm participating from Japan. I would be very happy if you could give me a critique. I'm not very good at English, so I'm using translation software to write this text. I may not be able to write a good reply, but if you give me a critique, I would like to refer to it.
Polyvios Animations
Hello, akikoma, nice job on your hands and feet gesture drawings. Very perfect!

Well, again, if I could help out on providing a critique for your sketches, then it would be that some of the forms are pleasantly tighter, but they're a little too stiff. Why don't you please use more longer and larger line work, thru 120 minutes of 26 second hand and foot manners???? (120 x 60/26, 7200/26=about 277 attitudes)

The reason why you could, would, and should do this game is because, it can, shall, and will give your drawings of your hands and feet more vitality, energy, elegance, and appeal. My hat's off to you, and I hope you've found this completely and totally beneficial and revelatory.
Sebas VLopez
Hey, Your hands and feet drawings I think that they are pretty good, but you need to focus more in 3D forms than lines, try to deconstruct the feet and hands in 3D forms, starting with simple forms to more complex and blocking, this could help your drawings become more solid

