
by 摩西吖, March 29th 2023 © 2023 摩西吖
Polyvios Animations
Nicer job on expressively distorting your figure's action and gesture, but I'm totally not getting enough abstract grotesquery in the looser lines of action, so how about doing 10 more minutes of 30 second quicker scribblier poses? (20 looser poses) So that your lines of action and expression will be executed even more expressively and exaggerated in your broader strokes, yet for more inspiration, please pick yourself up a copy on Amazon.com, 2 Walt Stachfield books, which I'm not saying I did. Have a nicer morning!

在表现力地扭曲你的身材的动作和手势方面做得更好,但我在松散的动作线中完全没有得到足够的抽象怪诞,所以再做10分钟30秒更快的涂鸦姿势怎么样?(20个更松散的姿势)为了让你的行动和表达方式在更广泛的笔触中更有表现力和夸张,但为了获得更多灵感,请在Amazon.com上购买一本,2本Walt Stachfield书籍,我不是说我这样做了。祝你有一个更美好的早晨!

在表現力地扭曲你的身材動作和手勢方面做得更好,但我在鬆散的行動中完全沒有得到足夠的抽象怪誕,那麼再做10分鐘30秒更快的塗寫姿勢怎麼樣? (20個鬆散的姿勢)為了讓你的動作和表達方式在更廣泛的筆觸中得到更有表現力和誇張,但為了獲得更多靈感,請在Amazon.com上買一本,2本Walt Stachfield的書,我不是說我這樣做了。 祝你有個美好的早晨!

