Try to find more preciseness

by Naima, June 17th 2023 © 2023 Naima
Done as part of a 30 minute class. My current goal is: Better understand human anatomy, so I can render imagined poses and to give my drawing more personality
Polyvios Animations
Hey, Naima, I think that you're still doing a powerful great job on your figure sketches in terms of line quality and expression, but I feel that these lines of forces could use a little bit far more cartooning and exaggeration, therefore how would you like to loosen up those lines much more with 90 more minutes of 12 second sketches, all flipped vertically?

The reason why you could and should try out this critique is because you can, shall, and will be able to observe and caricature and express yourself thru these models while their photos are mirrored vertically, just so you can see the lines of actions much artistically. For even more hints, tips, and tricks, please look into the Betty Edwards book, DRSB, for the upside down drawing and pure contour exercises. Please take my words with a tiny, small, and little grain of salt, and thank you.
Thank you Polyvios, I agree perfectly with you. I am stuck within my lines. I will try hard too get out of this status but I seems to be a long way to get there. Up side down is the one I am heading for for this week. I appreciate you critiques very much, I am capable of even more grains of truth, so just feel frank to critique even right away. Thank's again and have a nice week.

