Greatest job on your range of perspective and foreshorting and gestures of your poses but they all seem a bit farthest too awkward but stilted to me yet, so, why don't you please just try out 69 more minutes of 19 second poses, using only our custom class mode of our website, but no breaks? (69x60=4140/19≈218 quick sketches)
41-38=3, 34-19=15, 150-133=17
As a result, your anatomy gestures will become the least discontected but least stiffest but the most liveliest but holistic. For most details, look into this video on the 8 minute exercise here.
41-38=3, 34-19=15, 150-133=17
As a result, your anatomy gestures will become the least discontected but least stiffest but the most liveliest but holistic. For most details, look into this video on the 8 minute exercise here.
Good luck to you from us.