2 tetes
© 2023 JOHOKHenrynolte
Hi JOHOK, your drawings are really nice and dynamic. My first piece of advice would be to pay more attention to the scale of certain features of the face in relation to the others. For example, in the drawing on the left the jaw is quite large in comparison with the forehead and the nose looks almost too big for the face.
On the drawing on the left, pay attention to the size of the mouth, it is also a bit too large for the face.
Top tip: with mouths, the bottom lip rarely creates a solid edge, but rather transitions smoothly into the planes of the face. Instead of drawing a line for the lips that connects with the edges of the mouth, try drawing in only the middle part of the bottom lip. Many times, less turns out to be more.
On the drawing on the left, pay attention to the size of the mouth, it is also a bit too large for the face.
Top tip: with mouths, the bottom lip rarely creates a solid edge, but rather transitions smoothly into the planes of the face. Instead of drawing a line for the lips that connects with the edges of the mouth, try drawing in only the middle part of the bottom lip. Many times, less turns out to be more.
Nice how you captured the emotion and how you foreshorted the eye in your sideview. Have you hear from "Loomis Head" , may be you check it out in the internet, because it is great to get an idea of headproportions in general. Nice work, I sure you'll improve very fast.
Polyvios Animations
As a result, your facial expressions will be quickly sketched out less heavier but more lighter, but to be lesser concerned on the details, therefore into more of the broader scope. For more information, please look into the PDFs of the Vilppu Drawing Manual and the 2 Walt Stanchfield books by Don Hahn.
My hat's off to you, your progress, and your myelin.
Bonjour JOHOK, et encore une fois, un plus grand travail sur vos forces, vos bords, vos espaces, vos relations (proportions et angles), et bien sûr, la gestalt dans vos expressions faciales. S'il vous plaît, continuez votre travail, mais je n'en ai toujours pas assez de ces lignes et formes plus lâches mais plus vivantes mais plus légères de vos têtes et de vos expressions. Aimeriez-vous essayer 10 minutes sur 2 minutes de visages et d'expressions, en passant donc par votre tutoriel interactif de dessin de visages et de têtes ici avec des trucs et astuces ?
De ce fait, vos expressions faciales seront rapidement esquissées, moins lourdes mais plus légères, mais pour être moins soucieuses des détails, donc dans un cadre plus large. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter les PDF du manuel de dessin de Vilppu et les 2 livres de Walt Stanchfield de Don Hahn.
Je vous tire mon chapeau, à vos progrès et à votre myéline.