
by Aunt Herbert, March 29th 2024 © 2024 Aunt Herbert
Iris Washington

I just went on a journey through your sketchbook (SO MANY PAGES IT'S WONDERFUL!), and it's so exciting to see your journey as an artist! Beautiful sketches and drawings!

Aunt Herbert

Thanks a lot, that reply made me smile.

But, if you want to see actually many, check stefanbast.artstation.com

Advanced tip: when I started my artstation account, I tended to put more than one image under one thumbnail. Especially the earlier ones way down on the oage lead to entire sketchbooks.

Polyvios Animations

Hello again, Herbert(or Stefan).

Once again, we are the most pleased and satisfied with your most artistic of journeys. Greatest exhibitions of line quality and confidence, mixed in with interior and exterior negative shapes, and strongest relationships and gestalts, of course. Kindly push forward the strongest and most boldest!!!!


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