
by Aunt Herbert, May 10th 2024 © 2024 Aunt Herbert

I think that was 10 minutes?

Polyvios Animations

Nicest jobs on your hatching, forces, spaces, forms, and bones and muscles and proportions of your semi-dressed figure drawing in 360° pose. But I'm still not even getting enough of too much dynamic vitality and most dynamic energy in your gestures, forms and perspective in your feet yet. How would you love to please loosen up your feet forces and forms with 30 minutes of 30 second quickest sketches of feet in pencil and ballpoint pen all done from your non-dominant hand from your photos of your feet and photos of feet here on this site?

Sorry if I had the most detailed explanation, but the reason is because it can and will help you too loosen up your lines of action and lines of rhythm but to liven them up as the crudest and mist rudimentary foundations to your studies of feet forces, forms, and perspectives. So for most info, please look into Anatomy for the Artist by Sarah Simblet and the Human Anatomy Book by Joseph Sheppard for most information of foot forms and anatomy.

Let's hope they've been most concrete.

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