
by 低温チキン, May 23rd 2024 © 2024 低温チキン

🖋️✨I practiced painting today! ✨🖋️

Today we worked on foot croquis and DRAWABOX assignments.

📌 Foot croquis.
 30 second poses for 1 page
 2 minute poses 10 poses

 Lesson 1-1 Superimposed Line Practice.

We practiced using the whole arm when drawing and keeping the hand floating off the carton.

This was more difficult than I expected!

Polyvios Animations

Hello again, Chicken. Nicest and strongest and most energetic works on your lines and feet croquis. I love them so much, but I'm still not getting enough of the most boldest, most vital and energetic quality to their organic lines and shapes of them yet. Would you like to please liven up but loosen up your feet and hands with 11 minutes of 29 second poses of feet all done from your custom class mode?

As a result, your feet and foot anatomy and gestures can and will become the least stiffest but least stilted but the most dynamic, energetic and vitalest. For most details, please look into feet and gesture drawings from Proko's site and YouTube channel.

Good luck to you and your current goals.


