35 min sketch

by Rashuneagle, June 22nd 2024 © 2024 Rashuneagle

Made as part of 1.5 hr session

Polyvios Animations

Hello and good morning, Rashun, and greater job on retaining the life and vitality of forces with your spaces and proportions in your figure. However, these lines and gestures are far too rigider yet. Would you like to please loosen them up more with 91 minutes of 30 second sketches of figure drawings?

The logic behind this is to help you constantly refine but improve your flow, action, and rhythm in your lines of action and gestures. For most details, may I suggest you look into the Betty Edwards book, Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, so that you can and will practice the line styles there? Good luck.


Yea I actually bought that book already and was planning on reading it soon

Polyvios Animations

Yes, thank you, but the earliest you read that book I've recommended the best.

