create a little study group

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This topic contains 11 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by Avani 1 year ago.

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  • #28717

    hey guys im new here and I want to learn to draw but i cant do it by myself x), I do have the talent since i was young but didnt develop it much , and i dont study art , so for people like me , what do you think of creating a small instagram group where we can share ou development and evolve together , tbh even if its one person she/he will give me enough courage to not procrastinate XD so for the ones interested , send me a message on

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    I'm down for this. @sarbearstare on insta


    hey!! I know this was posted a couple of days ago, but I am in the same boat!!! We could def start one if you'd like!! I think if and as long as you wanted to start one with me, then we should wait a couple more weeks to see if anyone wants to join!!


    I'm interested - @comftably_num on insta

    • Num edited this post on July 24, 2022 4:37pm.

    I'm interested -@polyvios_paintingsclass on Insta.


    Я заинтересован! @bunyline в инсте


    @kanjifreak420,count me in too please.


    Hi, i would love to join! on Instagram.


    I'd like to join too! @yoartlord on Insta.


    I'd love to join! I'm a beginner too and being in a group would definitely help me improve lmao @__lois__s__


    I want to join too, thank you for offering my Instagram id is - let me in!

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