Gesture Advice

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Cave Paint 2年前.

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  • #28782

    I've recently been incredibly unhappy with my art skills so now I'm trying to hit the books and really iron the fundamental skills like gesture, form, and anatomy. It's been real rough and I'm feeling as though I'm just not practicing gesture correctly. I feel my gestures are still stiff and awkard and not flowing very well no matter what I do. Here are some gestures I've done the past few days including today as well as a form study sprinkled in. I really need help to improve and wondering what I'm doing wrong here. Day3 and 4 especially look real rough. Thanks in advance!

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    Yes you could call these a little stiff. It is natural to want to align the head chest and pelvis making it feel stiff. You have to learn to fight that. One way is to establish a good line of action before you draw. Another way is to cut each segment into solid shapes so you have the ability to rotate each independently from each other.

    The biggest thing that is killing these figures is the lack of perspective. You need some cross countour lines to give me that information. It looks like you are working on that with your last image.

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