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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by RevMick 11年前.

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  • #67
    I am glad that I have stumbled across this site. I have been looking for something like this for some time. I can not believe that I have not found it before today.

    I have been drawing since I was a kid. I did so much drawing that my parents bought me a drawing table for my room. My mom even talked me into teaching younger kids to draw in a community class but it wasn't for me and after one cycle I went back to my selfish teenage life. :P
    Drawing has always been an 'in the mood for it' type of thing. My early adult life was taken up with military service and various jobs after that. But through it all I sketched for my own relaxation.

    I am glad that this site is here as not many resources here in the middle of nowhere. I have to 'go to town' to get any art supplies or order them from the internet.
    Hope to be posting something else soon.
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    Hi there RevMick! NIce to have you on board. :)

    I'm in the same boat with you, I can only really draw well when I'm in the mood. Makes for the perfect hobby when creativity strikes, though!

    Sounds like it's tough to get your hands on things though. Does it obstruct your ability to draw by a lot?
    Not really, pencil, pen and any piece of paper will do. Having the proper stuff is good to..
    By the way I up loaded two of my older drawings here http://mdallasg.deviantart.com/gallery/44366681

    I am currently working on a portrait of the wife from a photograph.

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