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  • #25575

    Excellent post! Thank you Breno!


    Thanks! I'll definitely have to do more gestures with a focus on proportion. And I'm glad my very real fear of making mistakes doesn't show up in my lines! 🤣



    I've been drawing consistently for a few years now, but have really started kicking things into gear due to recent events.


    Congrats on finishing your first sketchbook! Heres to the first of many :)

    Your cat drawings are awesome, super cute and energetic, keep those up!

    As for critique, Leo said it better than I could've for the most part, but if you're looking for more specifics on how to keep it loose I would strongly reccomend prokos videos on gesture drawing. His "Step by Step" one in particular helped me significantly in keeping loose and to capture what I feel rather than what I'm literally seeing. Excellent excellent resource!


    Thank you so much! You're right on about the legs in that bottom right sketch, I ran out of time and space and it shows. I'm happy to hear that you feel the overall motion is being captured generally, that's something I try really hard to nail down.


    Hello everyone! I'm new to digital drawing but would love to get feedback on these quicksketches. They're either 30 second(3 of these), 1 minute(1) or 5 minute sketches(5).

    What do you think is lacking most in these drawings? What aspect of drawing should I be most focused on getting better at, in your opinion?

    Thank you! :)