Jon Draws1242的论坛贴

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  • #27797


    I saw this and wanted to respond with: thanks. I appreciate that advice and I will aim to do so. I'm a bit better off now since I posted this call for critique and will be doing more.


    Hi, thank you! I really ought to loosen up. I'll get to warming up first then hit the gestures.


    This will be my second time posting here, and I'm starting over from scratch. I don't see any improvements. I'm overthinking my gestures, and I'm getting frustrated. Can someone critique these and give me some advice please? I've lost my confidence.


    Hi there,

    You are coming along beautifully as an artist. I do appreciate your care for detail, however, there are some remarkable errors that you can work on in your study time.

    Your lines stood out the most to me because they lack confidence and are pretty scratchy. This happens because we focus on the outcome of the sketch itself versus the purpose of the practice. You can easily clean up this habit of yours with a few simple exercises prior to your gesture. A useful exercise is drawing straight lines using the ghosted method. You draw to points across the page or in proximity and you hollow trace between dot 1 to dot 2 without touching the paper. When you feel confident, you draw the line. This teaches your muscles to relax and your mind to follow through.

    The next is the stiffness of the figures. They have an angular appeal to them that doesn't quite translate the idea that they're in motion. Yes, the subjects themselves are posed, but a pose STILL carries motions and this is done in the lines. You can achieve better 'flow' by being more looser and intentional with your leading lines. Focus less on the outcome and just be active with the pencil. Practice drawing S's and C's as strokes, no stopping whatsoever. I found this video to help with my work:

    I wish you all the best!


    Hi, I'm still a newbie myself, however, allow me to give you some crituque:

    I've pored over your three images, I think structurally they look impressive for a beginner. However, you are focusing far too much on contours and shapes in your gestures and less time on the actual GESTURE of the figure. That is to say, you are mainly concerned with the drawing looking like a completed image rather than worrying about how you're translating movement on page.

    You can start by observing your lines: they lack confidence. I can see by your strokes that you are more afraid of messing up than making mistakes, and that's normal. Try to draw more confidently by practicing ghosting your lines first on a separate paper. This will teach you a bit about line confidence.

    Next, your boxy figures are good, however, you're relying on them too much. Scribble, loosen up a bit and draw what you see the gesture doing and not what it is. I suggest starting off by doing simple lines.

    I hope I helped.


    Thank you so much! I was worried that I was not capturing the dynamic movement of the models! I will use your suggestions right away!!!


    Hi, can I get some feedback on my 1 min poses please? I feel like I'm not grasping something pertaining to gesture. Thanks!