
  • 作者
  • #27095

    so you are able to capture the overall pose of the figure but the main problem is that the poses are too stiff i would reccommend you to use c curves more and befor making the figure try to make the line of action. a line of action is one single line usually from head to toes which define the moment of the spine. that will help you understand how to put the head,torso and pelvis. use you shoulders more when drawing your lines will look much smoother. and i think 110 secs is to long try 30 sec gesture or 1 min gestures because of that you will be forces to draw only the most essential parts of the drawing.

    for understanding muscle placement i would reccomend you checkout prokos figure drawing and anatomy playlist in youtube and if you wanna learn through books michael hampton figure drawing and invention is my favrite book as well as anatomy for sculptors