
  • 作者
  • #29890

    Personally I'd avoid using a circle as a base, instead going for the overall shape of the head. I've always found that the circle can cause problems when done wrong and adding the jaw in makes it look longer than it is. Of course this is my own opinion and you don't need to listen to me.

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    As a reponse to both the drawing and to some other comments. I recommend starting small as to going big (make the drawing smaller is what I mean), practice elks first, like gestures, as oppose to trying to fit all the details without knowing the anatomy first. For gestures focus on the poses and anatomy not the face, you can do portraits of elk to focus on the face. Also better up your line quality, you can do line practices for that. (Peter Han has a good series for improving lines.) I've gotten lost in my own comment so hopfully you understand.


    Of course its normal, sometimes we make lines that dont flow as well as we want it to. theres no reason to be down just because a few are better than others, not everything can exceed expectations to be perfect, even those with more experience dont make every line just right.


    Just practice gestures every now and then. When one learns a skill it doesnt stick with them til they die, they havent to continue to practice that skill in order to keep and sharpen it. If you feel like you are ready to move onto the next step then do so, you can always fall back on what you already learned if you get stuck.

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