Elliesaurus Art的论坛贴

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  • #29702
    Wow! These drawings are excellent, I love the style and these poses look super solid, dynamic and real, fantastic form. The only thing I noticed is that the head looked a little small, as well as the bent leg. The calf looks too short and the knee should be bigger with foreshortening in mind. On the female forms, the same problem applies to the bent arm. These drawings are genuinely really good though, was searching hard to find something to critique. the style reminds me of superhero illustrations - but with realistic proportions lol. Great job.
    These sketches are awesome! I especially like the ones in the second image, they have so much form and weight to them, so great job. I would say that a few of the bodies you have drawn seem a bit thin and stretched out, so watch out for that. Overall great work, better than what I could do! I'm impressed and inspired :). Good luck with continuing to build your art skills, you've got a great set of skills to build on.
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