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  • #30851

    The point is to simplify the body in a way that you can understand and remember it doesn't really matter how you do it and it doesn't need to be really precise as long as it helps you. One way is to know the muscles and skeleton to look out for the other one is to simplify it in a way that you can remember.

    I pointed out the bones i look at to direct the direction of the box.

    But how you do it is really just up to you. Try things out...and the more you draw..the more you learn the more you'll see and get better. but it takes a lot of time. You won't get good in a short time...that's just how it is and you will need trying and failing and getting used to it.


    Yes, i like to look up tenten's way of simplifying the body into simple shapes. You don't need to have the same stylisation as him but the idea of simplyfing the body into comprehensible shapes helped me a lot.


    hi. i'm suffering from depression on and off my whole life. And usually it's the negative emotion feed into itself and your brain will do anything to make you belive that what you want to do is to hard, be it getting up etc. Usually what i try to do to get out of it is to try as hard as i can to not listen to my brain. You'll find that if you can get something done, anything at all....iven something simple it will give you some kind of mental victory over your brain. then i repeat and try again and again...until i finnally manage to do something that makes me proud of myself....usually getting your self esteem and realising that what your brain says is bullshit gets me out of it. But i also often fail...and that's ok. your brain will use that failure to make you feel like shit...but you have to understand that as long as you don't give up...and try again you didn't loose. if you tried...then you did something and that's a win. it's ok to fail, just don't give up and try again...the next day until it works.

    then there is also sometimes outside worry that feed my depression. I have to accomplish something, i have responsablity. But the best way is to just let it go. What if i don't accomplish anything...and waste my life. try to not think about it and just try to do something small. Maybe a push up...maybe going outside. set a goal and try very hard to find a way to feel good about yourself again. It's hard...especially since my depression is usually aided by a lot of anxiety too.

    If nothing else work, go see a specialist. antidepression medecine can help to. just don't give up on yourself.


    The villpu method didn't click with me. so i found out about the rilley method and it helped a bit more. afterwards i just learned anatomy and skull structure of the head.


    a good exercise is to learn how to draw boxes, and other shapes in perspective. don't focus on the body just getting boxes and shapes right. focus on straight lines etc. It's not fun to do at all...but it helped me a lot in getting better at drawing overall.


    For me it was a combination of simplifying the body into simple forms. boxes mostly then studying anatomy...and drawint the anatomy over the boxes in perspective. I did a lot of life drawing study...then put the study away and redraw the pose without reference...while using the method stated above. then compare and take mental notes of what is different from the ref...

    And a lot of drawing from imagination after each life session drawing trying to see where i'm lacking. what i know or don't know...then focus on that on the next life drawing session....then repeat and see what if i made the same mistake this time or not.

    for example the head i would try to draw a box, then carve in the shapes of the eye sockets etc...It's and endless process of carving to memory the anatomy and forms of each part of the body..

    I would recommend reading on anatomy and perspective books. anatomy needs to be understood to a certain extend to get good at figure drawing from imagination. and figures are simple shapes placed in you need to get confortable to place those shapes, boxes conces in perspective.


    the issue might be that you start the lessons without a goal. Think on what you are bad at and focus on that during the lessons. You could focus on capturing the anatomie of the arm and skip the rest of the body. Or focus on getting the whole pose gesture without focusing on the exact anatomy. you could also focus on capturing light and shadows without focusing on the overall gesture and pose. If you want to improve you need to start the lessons with a specific goal that you would want to improve on. If what you want to improve on is getting the structure of the body pose right with boxes for example, then stop the image...and take a lot of time getting the boxes and perspective right. On the other hand if you want to capture the whole pose as quick as possible...then doing 30 seconds sketches without worrying about the quality of the drawing. If on the other hand your line quality is the issue...focus on getting the lines and angles right even if you need to take time and stop the video. Depending on your goal...change the lessons to suit that goal and focus on one thing at a time. doing mutiple things at onces is the best way to not doing anything productive at all.