
  • 作者
  • #4086

    I hope you don't mind but I'm saving those, it's super helpful. I've also been going through your own work for more help. I'm just super honored and I promise that I am absolutely working off of any advice you've given thus far. I never really thought about the importance of force all the different kinds when it comes to depicting things in art.

    By all means. These are for you so I expected you to save them :P.

    The human body, and any object on this planet, is affected by the force of gravity. So it's key to consider it if we want to create the illusion of reality. And I find it makes drawing much more exciting.

    In terms of time I'd say work with 3 to 5 minute poses. Not to draw detail but to give yourself more time to observe and think. Once the thought process becomes second nature it's easy to draw fast and get good results.

    Especially for standing poses, draw the legs and feet. They're the pillars that support the structure of the upper body. Approach the body like a building. Prioritize the parts that keep the torso mass balanced, then draw the rest.


    Good work, especially for 30 sec poses! The last figures feel much more energetic and unified. Keep it up.

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    I wish I could be useful and give critique, but your skill is beyond me. I do want to say thank you though, for your excellent advice toward people like myself who struggle, and your dedication in your own art. It really shows.

    Thank you for the kind words :). I'm glad to hear the feedback was useful to you.