Hello! Thank you to those who replied and offered their critique, It's definitely been on my mind for a few days!
To IDon'tKnow: I've been really thinking about the observations you made regarding lines, simplification, and exaggeration. I think in the grand scheme, those three are what I often most hear, but don't seem to let myself relax enough to absorb. However, I'm still determined to try, so my next set of studying was done with your critique in mind!
To Aunt Herbert: Thank you for the link! I've been watching Proko's videos a lot, and I've been really focusing on 'The Bean' and its properties. I think it would definitely help when it comes to authentic gesture! (Also thank you for the wheelchair tip; I thought to omit it, but it was nice to attempt to factor it in because I wanna know how to draw them better)
I drew a lot of beans today, some shoddy, some not. But all while you were in my mind!