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  • #2084
    you're welcomed, Gemini!
    thank you so much for your warm reply, it's so nice of you to write such things =)
    I'll be looking forward to see your new works!
    hello everyone =)
    Ryan, hope you're feeling well now. It's great that you can find time and willpower to draw even though you're tired and drawing may be the last thing on your wishlist at that moment. Thank you for replying! I keep drawing and your super inspirational post is one of the things that keep me going, so thanks again =)

    AnnaArtista, Nordstroem, Aram, Phantoon, nice to meet you!

    hey Gemini0982!
    Honestly it's amazing that you've been practicing even though you felt frustrated sometimes. You've been working your way through it, and you don't give up. Maybe it means that you are on the right track already. ;-)
    Hello Sanne! It feels so good that you actually read the post back and answered! God, it's amazing that you even keep track of this post. Thank you!
    It's super encouraging when somebody acknowledges your efforts, especially when things don't go well. A kind word really makes a difference! Writing a list of positive and negative facts makes wonders! It's brilliant! Thank you for sharing this =)

    Thank you for your kind words and thank you for asking! I guess I should choose less detailed references, because there's always this temptation to draw pretty jewelery and flowers instead of keeping mind on tricky and dubious things like correct proportions and in which place the shadows should be =) Have you ever had this issue with details? How do you deal with it?

    Thank you for everything. It's great to have you here on this forum.
    hey Niosh! great sketches there! Funny thing is that the ones you did for 30sec are pretty difficult as well =) Anyway, both 30 and 5 min drawings have that feeling of a live human body, the softness and flexibility,it's just great. and you did the foreshortening so cool! Can't wait to see more of your art.
    Oh well, so here's another one. It makes me admire other artists who actually draw every day no matter what. But empty complains do nothing while hard work does!
    so, I'm following Sanne's advice and here are pluses ans minuses of the work
    + no rushing this time. (listening to relaxing music helps a lot!)
    + I really really like the model. it'd be helpful to draw only those whom you really really like
    + invested my time and effort like I meant it

    - to much unnessesary details - to early for me to get into details
    - pressing the darks to much
    - got into details before making sure that the general proportions are alright

    all in all, i'm quite happy with this one and plus side won this time =)

    Hi BluishHazel! that's so cool that you're doing the hard mode =) people who did that have most awesome results. Nice to meet you! It'd be great to see your comic art!

    Ryan, so good to have you back! Your box figures look so efficient, it inspires to draw the same way.
    Maybe everyone is not posting because everyone is waiting for you? Hope you can continue to post, you're the driving spirit in this group =)
    Hey Sanne! Thank you so much for your very friendly and most inspiring comment! The idea about pros and cons is just awesome. It is very helpful and actually makes feel much better and in control of the process. Thank you for your time, it's great to hear a word from you!
    I adore the way you write your comments, you're so nice and you engage people in conversation so easily. Sometimes I feel like being a good person is much more important than being a good artist. Could you maybe give a word of advice on how to make people feel good? You surely know a lot about that =)
    so, here are two pictures of the same face, and I'm not happy with them.
    I post them anyway just to learn to accept failures and move on.

    I tried to use charcoal instead of pencil to cover the dark areas quicker - and ended up with a lovely grey mess. Lesson learned - respect thy media and do not try to cheat, smartass.


    Second version is a little better. A little. Hard work does pay off, but not instantly

    Oh, it'd be nice to see more of your sketches, long and short. Your drawings are very expressive!
    Hey Ryan, thank you for a warm welcome! May the rough days pass and may the creativity and good spirit stay with you!
    I like your box-people and girls sketches, they convey the mood and the movement really nice!
    thank you for sharing your friend's words, it's so heartwarming and so wise. It made me feel better and motivated =)
    Wow, George Bridgman's is a master of art, it's very kind of you to compare his drawings with mine. Thank you for mentioning him, I've never heared about him before, I'll check him out!

    I guess I've skipped a day or two also


    hey Niosh! your drawings look alive and fluid, i'd love to see more. Do you prefer shorter or longer time intervals for one figure?
    Hello Niosh! Thank you for your time, you kind words and your advise - it helps a great deal!
    Yes, for now it's mostly rough pencil sketches on A4 sheets, the original idea was to fit 1 or 2 sketches into the lunch time. I'd love to add more time consuming portraits to that. Studying a few faces also sounds great, actually, it's a brilliant idea! Thank you! =)
    hey guys, pleasure to met you all! I'd like to join too.

    Ryan, thank you for a wonderful post, it's a real pleasure to read. I like this picture best - the girl standing on her tiptoes

    Cappottorosso, the shading on your picture looks really nice

    here's my first
    I realized the reason why artists usually put their sheets of paper vertically when they draw - you can't see the picture properly if it's lying on a table, the hands cover it and smudge the lines.
    I'm holding a block of paper in my left hand and try to hold the right hand in the air, and my shoulder says no way, but it does so less and less often. Thery good for training the muscles of the shoulder, a Pilates-based exercise.

