
  • 作者
  • #2689

    It's probably because when you copy what you see only you start to have problems with drawing from imagination.

    For example the head; if you copy from photos only you'll have a hard time drawing the head from different angles (unless you have a photo for the exact angle that you want), but if you understand how the head is constructed (sphere, jaw, eye placement, etc) then you can draw the head from any angle you want. It's the same with figures as well. If you don't have a photo of the exact pose you want to draw then it's very hard to draw a figure unless you know the basic shapes the figure is made up of.

    But drawing with your eyes is an important skill too. It's actually a skill that I need practice on myself.

    I would suggest practicing construction. Take a photo of an animal and construct it using only basic shapes (cube , cylinder, sphere). And if that's too hard then maybe start with practicing drawing basic shapes from different angles.

    I hope this helped.


    Short simple question; does practicing likeness on a drawing improve your drawing from imagination? If so how does it help exactly?


    probably not the best person to give criticism but you might want to consider using curves instead of straight lines

    for example the arms might want to be a curve if you want it to seem more smooth or elegant or a sharp point if you feel like the elbows are locked in

    also I found it helpful to use 1 stroke than 2 for the limbs

    later on you can try out doing extremely exaggerated poses and just ditch trying to be accurate... or at least this helped me out quite a lot

    but yeah honestly I'm struggling myself and, again, not the best person to give criticism

    good luck


    repost as I think my other one glitched
    a page of my daily gesture drawing (1 min)
    I'm a bit confused, am I supposed to draw what I see or draw the extreme version of the pose?
    very much appreciated


    I've started doing 10 gesture drawings daily around 2 months ago and I think I've made good progress with it. I have 0 practice on everything else so I'm considering moving on to daily form practice.
    These are 1 min drawings.
