

At this moment i am in this hardious journey trying to become a professional in the field of animation and storytelling. And throughout all of it I only found pills that are hard to swallow.

1. Those that made the movies and cartoons everyone is passionate about were already professionals in their 20's, so, to everyone that is in their 20's and are still learning the basics, stop applying your standards to what they achieved in life. It will make you hate yourself for things you had no control over. They cannot stop complaining how hard it was for them to get there and it will be even worse for me and people like me.
2. You can make mistakes while learning nothing from them.
3. I've met People like me and we all shared this suffering, so do not pretend it is some conspiracy made by invisible forces that are put against you.
4. Just because you are passionate about something it doesn't mean you are going to be as good.
5. it is impossible to consume many kinds of media without comparing yourslef to others.


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