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  • #26074
    Wow! Really great job on your memory gestures thus far, Mmmichelle. Very good.

    And as for your request for a critique, and if you wanna render memoried poses, be sure to check out this link right here., please?

    The reason is because, you improve on your drawing figure studies and other drawings from memory dramatically quickly as you can. Hope that it's been advantageous. Take care.
    Love all those gestures, yotastrejos, greatest job on those yet. Greatest job on the line quality of those gestures. Greatest job in all of them.

    I've got one small suggestion: What is your goal for today? The reason why I asked is because, what is your current goal for tonight?? If you really want to strengthen your movement and action-packed quality into your work, pick up a copy of Vols. 1 and 2 of the Walt Stantchfield Books on Animation. They have almost everything that a non-animation school and animation school student is looking for to give all their drawings their range of expression and storytelling ability.

    Hope this has been a cooperative question.

    Polyvios Animations
    I absolutely love all your sketches (10 minutes) so far, Cactus. Love the line quality in most of them.

    My critique is this: I see some timidity in the gestures of the muscle structures. Why don't you draw from your shoulder in 600 seconds of 30 second sketches, pretty please?

    The reason why you'd do this type of sketching is because, your movements of the nude female muscles will become even more looser and expressive. Hope it has been convienient.

    Polyvios Animations
    I love your gesture sketches, Denonychus, yet I love your gesture poses even more! Please don't be too hard on yourself. Enjoy yourself and the process!!

    But, I've got one question: How long did your gesture sketches take for you to sketch them out? Why?? Because, I am correctly assuming that you've loosened yourself up in 30 seconds or more. But I digress. Take some more time on your relationships (proportions and angles), and your spaces, while working with a prepped ground.

    Hope it has been extremely helpful and constructive.

    Stay safest.

    Polyvios Animations
    Nice work on your gestural poses, yamikumi. Great job on your overall capture of gestures. I absolutely admire your spaces, busy and empty. And I love most of your angles, mostly

    The critique, if I was to point out one you've specifically made your yourself, but, I really want to explain that your lower leg seems way more jarring to the casual webbrowser. Why don't you loosen up your overall leg proportions in the lower edge of the drawing,in terms of action, please? And you know why?? You'll accurately record the overall gestures of the leg proportions. Not to mention the fact that you can record from photos and life, because, nothing against imagination and refs, cause if you only rely on those, then you'll use those as crutches.

    For more information, look up Michael Hampton's book, Glenn Vilppu's book, and more of Mike Matessi's books, too.

    Hope that it has been way conducive to creativity.
    Hey there, nedistanman, I really and totally love your gestures, pushings of the poses, on your 30 second and 1 minute gestures. Plus I really think you're getting the busy areas and empty areas right, too.

    In my opinion, I see some of the body proportions are a little bit disconnected on a few poses. Why don't you spend more time on the relationships (proportions and angles) in your very first 1 hour class mode, if you pretty please?????

    The truth of the matter is, your understanding of proportions and perspective will get even more than better with more practice.

    Keep doing more 30 second or less attitudes (gestures), in order to lighten up your control on the process.

    Hope and pray that it shall and will be applicable to your current goals.

    Thanks, and stay safe.
    Nice performance of the anatomy sketches, loillty. I really love your gestures. And I really love your proportions on most of the poses. And I love the edges, spaces, and angles. And I oh so love the perspectives, too. On the whole, you got those right.

    Here is my critique on your sketch. One of the poses, the ballet one in the first one, has some pretty stiff anatomy of the bone and muscle structures, with two birds killed with one stone, some very mechanical forms for one of the legs. Why don't you make the anatomical structures even most loosest and dynamic, energetic, and well understood please, pretty please????? The reason why is because, your understanding of anatomical bones and muscles will become well-understood and second nature to you and your learning curve.ZsGWNfs copy 2.jpg ZsGWNfs copy.jpg

    Even capturing the gestures of every bone and muscle of every human form.

    We hope it can be advantageous.

    Cheers, and stay platinum,

    Polyvios Animations
    I absolutely love and adore your potential sketches, lionleggs, good for you. I

    f I was to give an honest and sincere critique, it would be that you should better focus on your bold and lighter gestures, drawn using your shoulder; instead of just your wrist, in 10 minutes of 30 second sketches. The reason why you should do that type of drawing practice is because, your lines will become even more confident, and self-confident, and nothing terribly scribbly.

    Hope you'll have found it accessible and helpful. Take more care, and have a great evening.

    Polyvios Animations
    Nice sketches you've banged out so far, Sapphire.

    If I was to ask you a question, it will be, what is your current goal? The reason why I'd ask you this is because, we all would need to know what you're recently working on in any given assignment.

    Well, thanks for the work, peace out, and stay safer.

    Polyvios Animations

    PS. Hope it's been an extremely helpful question.
    Yeah, Yamikumo. I really love your gesture figures so much. I know that's not a critique, but I love those figures.

    If I was to give you a true critique, it would be that I'm not getting enough caricature into your line quality. Why don't you draw with just your shoulder, with very bolder and more confident contours, in 5x59 second scribbles, pretty please?

    The reason is because, you'll become much, much, much, much more decisive into your linework, and least stiffest. Hope that it will be accessible. Take care and stay more safer.
    Love and admire every single 10 min sketch of the figures, SapphireWolf9. If I was to give you advice, it's that I am seeing some of the stiff drawing in one of the poses, why don't you warm yourself up to 10 minutes of 30 second sketches, if you pretty please? And you know why?? Because, if you draw with your shoulder standing up, then you'll be able to draw more bigger on the paper, even if it's letter size paper. Hope it's been helpful. Peace, and stay really safe.
    P.S. Almost forgot. The reason why you could pick up a copy of that book I mentioned above is because, it's gonna be extremely indispensible that you can apply gesture scribbling to loosen up your drawings, and cartoon drawings.

    Good luck and stay safe.
    I oh so totally adore your latest action drawings, KatieOfConrad, however if I was to critique your 1 minute drawings, it would be to really relax your hands with 1 minute of 59 second sketches (59+1s warm-ups), pretty please? The reason why is because, it will help out on getting a lot of stronger gestural lines, even though they'll be a bunch of meditative scribbles; and furthermore, get a copy of Ben Caldwell's Action! Cartooning, and try to apply your 1 minute warm ups with those illustrations in that book. Then let's go for it! Hope it's been completely helpful into your next studies; And of course, encouraging.

    Polyvios Animations
    Excellent performance yet, Mr Torrance. But if I was to give you an honest critique, it would be to do 2 more minutes of 30 second sketches, with as fewest lines as possible, all draw with your whole shoulder, not your wrist. And why?? Because, your lines will become the most loosest and the most liveliest. Sweat it out about becoming absolutely beneficial for your next assignments. Good luck, and stay safer.
    I just absolutely love the subtle and insightful gestures in some longer poses, ventostrinidad. But I've got one small critique: I don't really got enough of the strong action in the poses and attitudes. Why don't you pick up a copy of two Walt Stantchfield books. If you are ready and you are willing to become a traditional hand-drawn animator, be sure to click on these links and buy them:Drawn to Life Books 1 And 2

    The reason why it's because, it's from a series of lecture notes all completely piled up into two different volumes; and, it's got some very applicable gesture drawing skills for all sketching, not just animation. Hope and sweat it being totally helpful. Stay safe and keep gold.