Forum posts by Idon'tknow

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  • #32516

    Now i think i edited it


    Hi, I tried to deconstruct a reference in simple shapes and I do not know if I nailed it, the exercise can be found on


    sure, have you ever subdivided a plane in 3d? that's exactly what you did with that cube.^_^


    The very first cube looks like it needs revision the most. when you have to subdivide a surface in perspective you must only devide the segment in 3, or just put equal distance between each parallel line. In this particular case it is not really important tracing the perspective lines, the cube looks to not be that much deformed by the reference. I have to admit it looks way better when one of the row is rotated wich it is admirable by me.

    If you ever wanted to know more about 3d shapes try turning pokemon in simple shapes, in case you want to post some you can get better feedback from us. :)

    1 1

    Really, tanks to everyone that dedicated their time and energy helping me. I will hold onto these insights like they are part of me. Thank you and I hope you a thriving art journey


    I watched both of the live sessions, and I have to ask: what better insight those videos gave you? The instructor started with gesture drawing, and then BAM! Advanced anatomy. I admit it gave me a hard time, maybe there was something wrong with the way I experienced it. I think there should be an intermediate step between the stickman phase and the anatomical fidelity phase.

    One particular issue was that when deconstructing a reference I did not find out where a body part starts and where it ends.

    Despite all, thanks again for your rensponse.


    I know, quite a long title but i clearely need your help!

    I cannot find a place where I can learn any of this stuff, it's not straight up perspective lines i have to study since i know how they work, I also did the 250 boxes challenge and it revealed me it doesn't help me at all understand the 3rd dimension in drawing. I got more out of doing cross contour of pokemon than from this one course that I must reveal someone here that finished it was not really satisfied.

    I found one from proko but besides being a proko course it is also incredibly pricy, so please no to any of that.

    Thanks and good work :).


    I'm sorry to tell you this. please upload those images as imgur links. the process is pretty simple. you go to and put the images from your pc. the images are visible to those you share the link with. I hope I was of help and please put this in mind


    please. send them as imgur links. you just need to go to and them click on + NEW POST. sending images is only for the premium members.


    In all of the art tutorials I've seen the example of using a stickman has always been a problem for me, it is all ok when the body is just presenting towards the camera, but from a different angle? It's ok when they have to display a simple example to the viewers that never heard of figure studies, but they never do it to a pose like this. How am I supposed to draw that?


    about the size of the head you just adjust it with the digital tools from wich you drew those illustrations in the first place. your only problem is just doing it fast enough from what I can tell, do not consider it like a speedrun. You are just hyper aware of any sort of downgrade even when the technique itself didn't suffer. Your solution is that there isn't a problem to begin with. Nobody is going to kill you if you didn't make the head at the right size in the first try including the pros you try to emulate.


    welp, define struggling for drawing faces. I think it is just a problem of opinion. what ever method you tried actually works here. I do not see problems in the structure or the facial expressions. That's literally the least motivated expression of self doubt I've ever seen! Is it because it isn't on the same level as those "people" you were talking about? Don't ever try to be like others, do not compare yourself to other people that are better than you. Hell, it is already hard for me, a random nobody that can't even simplify a person into a mannequin to begin with to not get dragged into this negative shithole everytime someone ever nails something I try to wrap my head around for years. If there was ever an actual solution, somewhere that would make you improve as an artist I really wish I could see it. There is no solution for improving, just draw because you don't want to do the bad stuff that makes you waste your life as a meaningless cog of society or just wait for when even the computer can do better drawings on its own so there will not be any other person to feel inferior to. You got me?


    something really important, if you start with a 3d mannequin you'll end up only hating yourself. It's too early to learn any of that. think about 2D first and just use curves that compensate multiple body parts sorta like this. And second personal suggestion: do not follow proko, they have the tendency to jump the important steps and so when you have genuine questions to ask you get nothing.


    Hi, i just ended 250 boxes from the course "drawabox", i thought i could talk about it here since it has been well known. When i first started my lines were more straight using the ghosting method that was taught me by the site; but when i do them at the end of the challenge my hand slightly changes rotation and it makes me do weird S lines or more often than not I trace multiple lines as correction for my wrong assestments of perspective.


    Ok, I never thought of that I'll try it out @Katt . Thanks