Forum posts by Idon'tknow

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  • #30861

    I don't post on my sketchbook, i post them on imgur link. To me and many others the link works, I have no idea why you can't see it. Perhaps it is a bug of the site or something


    I decided to delve into the territory of the anatomy, starting with one of the easiest parts i can remember: the ribcage.

    there was a video that explained how to draw the rib cage and it had a link where you could take a 3d reference of a sculpture.



    Anyway, this is my exercise.


I just tried doing those, i came up with this result.

Actually I was not capable to adapt the structure of the ribcage to the boxes because the image showed a more cilindrical structure than a box, so it was really hard for me to understand the orientation of the part of the body.

just please if you find this message tell me if I am on the right track and how I should correct, it is really important to me; thanks


Do you mean like this?


I know that i sound like someone that wants to find exuses to not work, but i am doing these sort of lessons kinda regurarely but at the end of it the only change i got is to not even think about what i am even drawing and not in a really inspired way, i mean i got completely detached from drawing and became emotionally numb throughout the entire process, now every single time i begin a session i just want to get over it in the most approssimative way possible.

I do not understand if simply doing it over and over like this can actually teach me anything, unless someone can just tell me again that even in this case i should do these tasks again and that it is all normal.

thanks for reading this.


Hi, i just got asked to make these poses 27s each. here is the result.

Could I also ask if i need to do this on top of doing the classes normally, because to me it feels more like a warm up instead of an actual observation exercise. Is the point I shouldn't care anymore if I am going to draw badly and learning to pretend I should not care if i am not getting improvement at all for the rest of my life? (not because that's true, but just in case that it is).

thanks and goodbye :)


My problem with this method is that's not how I draw, it's too hard for me to make the shapes without tracing and because it takes me too much time I straight up draw without a structure, so they all look like a bunch of confused lines.


HI, I also tried doing a 1 hour long class on poses, here are the results.

almost all of these poses are not really complete becaue adding new lines ruins the flow of the pose and I do not know how to make it work. Then i just took 2 minutes for the 5 minute poses because I get stuck the moment I have to add new details because anatomy scares the crap out of me and the pose that came out was so different than the reference I wouldn't base on the image to reproduce the details.

An other question can I ask... what requires to learn to get to this result?




hi did it again, almost the exact same way as before...

For those that already saw my previous works, am I improving?


I am really sorry, for some reason when i try to upload the references on imgur, the site does not save the link and when you open it says 404. I have still the images, if I knew how to make you see them that would be great


I absolutely thank you. I will try that now and I am sure I will learn


What goal you want to propose me? I tried searching it around, seeing videos online, but i never found one.


I tried doing this many times but i the shapes i use end up being wrong. I can't see if I am doing this well, please help.

If i should get a more effective way to learn please tell me, i can accept everything at this point.


I do not know how i can improve, i am simply doing this activity at repetition and i feel stagnating


thanks, but, I want to improve? I don't even have high stadards even one simple thing I can change, one step at a time