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  • #30771

    uhmmm, I just did the lessons here and just followed the suggestion to use as much as little lines as possible, but i can tell you, they are not different from when i first started. I just got new suggestions where i am supposed to follow the negative space, but the way they told me I do not understand and they still didn't answered me.

    Anywys, what are some of these "techniques" that would make me draw feet better?


    Good for you I should say, because not even with reference I understand what i am doing: if I devide the body in simpler shapes, the shapes fail to capture said part of the body and i do not know why, I tried learning from tracing other images and I didn't learn a thing about structure, it is something that makes me MAD.


    One other question. Did others ever tell you to just practice in order to get better? To me it was just like telling me to do the same mistakes over and over again until my inexperience kinda moves out of the way. I am still doing it regardless because, it is my life now, and it is something i like doing regardless... but I can see I am not really improving at all. I know that in order to get better I should understand theory first, then use practice to apply what i got told. Are you feeling the same way I do?

    Anyway, thanks a lot for your incredible advice, you gave me an answer and that's really valuable to me.


    I... am not sure if I have it... I wanna know how can I convince my brain into seeing practice as a pleasent activity when I am already shifted into a new interest


    sorry if i am answering you this late... I couldn't find time to read your in depth critique.

    I know it's my fault for telling you this, I do not understand what you were telling me, so... should i understand the negative space in the image in order to represent the pose? How much should I consider or is it every inch of space around the subject in the image? Why in certain cases your correction has completely different negative space (in the case of this example the space between the legs is a trapezoid while the image was a triangle)? What should I do when the pose is completely stationary, because, of all the examples I didn't find any of the ones where the model is in a perfectly balanced or stable position, i only have one weird simble of the shape of a check near them and i do not know what do they mean (same example as before), and why is it that I should not draw the body with baloony segments because it is "too detailed" as shown here but in one of your examples you devided the segments of the arms and legs but with curved lines that intersect ( isn't that the same thing?

    About the book recommendations, I do have only the Mattesi book but not the Hampton one, if what you said was true than it would explain why i can't understand this book as its approach to figure drawing is really cryptic and sentimental for me to understand what is trying to explain... it kinda looks like gibberish to me and I feel bad to not be good enough to understand it :(

    I do have other books like the Force drawing book about anatomy, i have the same difficulties and also the one about animation from the late Richard Williams... they either are too personally specific for me to understand or they seem to be too artistically presentable rather than instructive to me. It might also be that I never had art books before and so no one ever taught me how I should read them or they need to be read differently to begin with.

    Thanks a lot for going the extra mile and showing me better done examples... even tho I am still understanding the new advice i might learn from the illustrations you sent me in order to cure my technique.


    yeah, i was doing the 250 boxes challenge all in the same file... I am still at 45 and, oh boy, my brain cannot make me do more than 5 boxes a day


    Regarding the shapes, am I doing them well or do I need to learn them before doing gesture drawing?


    Hi, Today i tried my very first class exercise on 3d shapes and oh boy how different it is from dynamic poses... without an action line is indeed way harder to draw even ONE shape in only 30 seconds, how is it even possible to draw up to five when they are put on the same image.

    I also tried doing animals on this site, drawing them is... a different experience


    I want to reveal something about myself. I am not only interessed in the art of drawing with lines, I am also learning the complex world of 3d Animation and 3D sculpting on blender. The problem is, my approach into getting better at something is really disorganized, I usually orbit towards the thing i am mostly interested in at the moment but in this case it seems my interests constanlty shift around too fast for me to learn enough, sometimes i straight up forget what I just learned... as an example I actually took a break from these site for a month because i was really into sculpting a character but i got stuck into sculpting head because i have no idea how to do it, now i shifted myself into drawing again and really... I did not became better at sculping in 3D, i got stuck at the same problem when i first started and I don't know... I sorta feel like i lost time.

    Without digressing, the most common solution should be "why don't I teach myself some discipline?" only that it turns out that doing this made me lose motivation into "keeping the grind" because my mind just saw it as a chore. That is what I am searching for, I really want to see a way to convince my brain into shifting its interests less frequently (idk perhaps I suffer from ADHD or something) and to not consider what i am learning as an external obbligation.


    I have returned and now I have done a new lesson, my applications regarding some sort of poses were ranging from simple shapes in silhouette to force lines. The time I spent in every each of these poses are done without ever stopping the watch (a problem I had before starting). I also tried to draw small sized poses because I know poor space organization is indeed a problem of mine.


    One more thing, what am I supposed to do if i have to correct the drawing if it is quite obvious i am not representing the action at all? Should I make the very first line the best possible one by the get-go or move on and make it a learing opportunity for later? Sorry if I am still asking all these questions, I just want to know if my eyes are not decieving me. Thanks again for your help.


    what about the 30 seconds ones?


    yeah, it would be pretty cool


    I just tried that in my newest post. I also avoided to stop the timer. So, it sounds even more obvious i was not capable to make even one construction line in a proper way.


    For this one session I followed the advice of not stopping the timer and using as few lines as possible, I think the result might speak for itself. I was not even capable to draw construction lines or solid shapes at all for how little time i had.