April 8, 2021 2:33am #26942Whymaple, thanks for the great job on your observational gestures and forces.
Nice work, but I've got one honest critique, I love the forms and anatomy, but I really want to see more cartoony shapes, like Emery Hawkins, which you will now see:
And while you're at it, why don't you please find a way to download this video for your current studies, right away;go to any video downloading site, or get a video downloader for your computer, and download this video into your hard drive, then play it on Quicktime, or any frame-by-frame player; go frame by frame with each force sketch, by going thru 11 minutes of 30 second poses?? (660 seconds/30 second=22 quick sketches of the poses)
The reason why you could do this is because, if your custom goal is to get more appealing squash and stretch into your animations, plus getting more organic cartooniness, then so be it.
So, good luck to you, and happy sketching!
Polyvios Animations
P.S. I just joined LoveLifeDrawing-
Polyvios Animations edited this post on April 7, 2021 11:34pm. Reason: Add P.s.
April 7, 2021 4:38am #26934Well, yangrc, I totally love how gestural your drawings have become, so far, so good.
Again, if I would provide you a totally sincere flak, I suggest that some of the figure bodies are just a little bit to rigid, and there's not enough squash-and-stretch. Why don't you please do more of that, with 15 minutes of 30 second warm-up bad writings? (900 seconds/30 secs=20 sketches)
The reason why you could use this suggestion is because, to reduce stiffness in your gesture poses, and to give them more of that dynamic, energetic, vital, and fluid quality.
To see more of what I mean, be sure to check out this link right here:http://sevencamels.blogspot.com/2011/10/squah-and-stretch-part-two.html
And this image of what I mean:
Thanks for reading, and good luck to you. Cheers.1 1April 5, 2021 4:25am #26931Well, march, that's a very great work of performance of the 10 minute sketches. Very amazing work on the foreshortening. Incredibly dynamic job on the proportions and perspecitve on the human forms, indeed.
So, if I was to give you a postively and completely truthful suggestion, I'd say, I feel a bit of rigidity in most of the 10 min bodies, here. I've got two pieces of advice: 1) Please use a timer, or timer app on your iDevice or Android, to discipline yourself in your drawing warm-ups. (2) If you want more faster, and more than confident strokes, then I encourage you to please use your whole entire shoulder and arm, instead of just your wrist. The reasons are because: First of all, it could be useful and encouraging to your learning curve in anything(and everything, I mean it), if you'd get a whole lot better with practice, and more; second, to be able to use lesser and less muscles to co-ordinate, because it can and shall be able to get your much more broad strokes down pat.
For more details, here is a link: https://buffer.com/resources/why-practice-actually-makes-perfect-how-to-rewire-your-brain-for-better-performance/
BTW, good luck, cheers to you, and I hope you've found these completely and totally beneficial, useful, helpful, and informative.April 5, 2021 2:46am #26930Well, JJArtStar, way to go on your very first (?) 30 minute class drawings and sketches. What I love in your drawings is how slow and careful your 10 minute study, and how bold and dynamic your 30 second and 1 minute scribbles are for these poses. If I should be able to give you a completely and totally critique, it would be able to suggest that your ideas and energies are, to be honest- I don't feel enough animation and boldness, and broadness in the lines of action and rhythm. Why don't you please crank out more quick scrawls with 157 minutes of 29 second quick attitudes? (157 x 60/29, 9420/29=325 quick sketches to crank out for exercise)
Confidentially, I know that it's gonna be a lot of long work, but it's gonna be totally worth it, in the end...!
The reason why you would and could do this suggestion is as a result, you'd be able to reduce your drawing design's stiffness and rigidity, and to make it more dynamic, vital, and energetic, in making your cartoons more exaggerated in the fluidity of the poses.
To really get you going on this, here:
JJ, this is an image from Animation Resources (animationresources.org)
And so, my hat's off to you and your current goal, and I hope you'll find these definitely and totally useful, practical, and encouraging.April 2, 2021 12:20am #26922Hello there, Kate, nice work on your, what are these?- 30 minute class drawings. Nicer work on your 30 second poses!! Great job on your 1 minute and 5 minute drawings, here, too! Escpecially, your 10 minute final figures.
What I can and shall say, that your 5 and 10 minute attitudes are very much solidly drawn in terms of the balance in the design.
If I could suggest you a totally honest and sincere criticism, I mean, a piece of advice, either. First, I feel that most of your quick sketches are a bunch of rigid and stiff brick poses, and I think you're getting a great confidence in your line quality. Why don't you please do the, if you haven't already, online interactive drawing tutorial here on this website? And second, there are tons of great examples structuring your characters, here is this video down below, for example:https://youtu.be/ehz-lF3UwqQ
This video is a Kim Jung Gi lecture on construction and anatomy, here. This is useful cause he teaches the great drawing fundamentals, yet, though he teaches in Korean, but the images, speak for their education. As for the english subtitles, I don't know, maybe we can find this out.
Piggy-backing to the online drawing tutorial here on line of action, https://line-of-action.com/learn-to-draw
,maybe this would be able to help you loosen up your cartoon gestural sketches.
So, good luck, and cheers to you.March 30, 2021 3:11am #26916Connieeee, way to go on your 5 minute faces and expressions, that's very good graphic shapes and lines, and spaces, too!
If I was to give you some totally honest and sincere advice, it would be this: Here:
I love the silhouettes and how organically they read as the outlines of your heads, but I think they're they're, still, I really don't feel like there is enough cartooniness in the faces. Would you please push these positive shapes, and pull those negative spaces?? Why don't you please loosen up and liven up those facial expressions, with 30 minutes of 2 minute drawings? (15 2 minute expression drawings)
The reason why you could do these critiques is because, it can, shall, and will be able to develop and refine your eye for design, and to help your current goal. If it's to help improve and caricature my perception of spaces on my faces and head angles, then I suggest, allow, and encourage you to go ahead with it.
For more information on how to quick sketch your heads and facial features, then please check out this video.
Cheers to you, Connie!March 29, 2021 3:33am #26911Nicely excellent job on your faces and heads, Dorthea. Love the gesture and construction you've got going for them.
Well, if I was to give you a totally honest critique on them, is that most of the heads, although they're very solid on the shapes, lines and spaces, but I really can't help but sense some fearfullness and timidity in the line control and quality. Why don't you please be more cuthroat, bolder, and loosest with the head and expression lines with 14 minutes of 2 minute sketches of those faces and expressions??????????? (7 drawings of heads and expressions of you and models)
The reason?????????? It's because it could and should be able to reduce the rigidity of your shorthands, and to make them cartoony, animated, more vital, and the most energetic. (Hey, at least you'd be able to make more comical and comedic exaggerations of facial anatomy and muscles:D) If this is going to be your newer current goal, then I recommend, allow and encourage you to go ahead with it.
Well, greetings from Salem, MA, USA, and cheers to you!!!March 29, 2021 2:43am #26910Wow! YOWZA!! That's some very fluider and organic quick attitudes you've got there.
So, if I was to make a suggestional critique, is that I love the grace and fluidity of this ballerina pose in the last and second image, that I really don't get enough of the caricatured feeling and the exaggerated c and s curves in the lines of action of that ballet dancer. Why don't you please go wild and crazy with your whole shoulder with more dancing bodies with 60 minutes of 29 second quick sketches????????? (3600 seconds/29 secs=125 warm-up drawings of them)
The reason why is because, it would and should be able to make your reduce rigidity in the manners, and to make them feel like cartoons and caricatures as lines of action and rhythm go, but otherwise, they'll all do in your portfolio. For more details, be sure to check out parts 1 and 2 of the Tim Gula episode of Proko on Youtube.https://youtu.be/SvB3bnj63oc https://youtu.be/ZRnQcwKU9DE
Well, cheers, good luck, and my hat's off to you, and I hope you've found these vids informational and helpful.1March 27, 2021 4:20am #26900Great job on your pose composition, SnailsAndRavens, that is totally and totally excellent and awesome job.
If I would be able to give you a sincere critique on this picture, then it would be to say that most of the faces (rotated accidentally, forgiven) are a bit too rigider here. Would you please be able to completely and fairly loosen yourself up on your face and expression gesture drawings, with 159 minutes of 30 second drawings and warm-up doodles????? (159 x 60/30/5, 9540/30/5 days, 318/5=64 warm-up scribbles a day)
The reason why you should be able to help yourself is because, you'd be able to get a lot of exaggerated and more than appealing range of expressions and emotions, in your heads, if you could be able to apply this into your manga-influenced cartoons.
So, cheers, good luck, and my hat's off to you.March 23, 2021 4:11am #26880Nicest job on being totally, so well-rounded on your 30 minute class mode there. Nice broad strokes and solid forms, great going! Marvelous job, kumotori!!
Well, if I was to help you out, then what's your goal? And another thing, my advice is to help you out on making your organic shapes and forms more fluider and loosest, by means of going through 156 minutes of 26 second stroke sketches?? (156 x 60/26/2 days in a week, 9360/26/2, 360/2=180 sketches a day) The reason why you'd do this advice is because of two things: First of all, it's to help you make your goal more clearer, and second of all, to help out on making your shapes and proportions less stiffer, and more solid, fluidest, and lively.
Good luck with your new goal, and cheers to you.March 19, 2021 12:46am #26867That's some amazing work, eteng. They are amazing sketches because of how much I love the fluidity and life in these quick poses! Uh, I've looked at most of them as I browse through the photos I've duplicated, then rotated, and later, grayscaled, flipped, and rotated them. Their proportions are OK, but I think you're getting better at most of them. :)
Well, to answer your question, just to better improve your 5 and 10 minute figure drawings, would and could you please go with the, if you haven't already, the Learn to Draw interative tutorial in this website??
The reason why you could and should do this little tutorial is because, though the gesture part is more natural to you, then you would take lesser effort in the construction and relationships in the human forms.
If you really want to help yourself to totally understand the proportions and angles, be sure to please use these images here:
Although there are plenty of proportions still available on searches like DuckDuckGo and Google, they could and would be extremely and completely useful and concrete to your studies.
Good luck and my hat's off to you, and I hope you've found these helpful and informative.March 17, 2021 5:51am #26863March 16, 2021 5:03am #26858Nice work on breaking away from contours, eteng. That's the greatest job I've ever seen! I can really feel the forces coming through!
So, in order to better focus on your current goal, why don't you please work with a softer crayon, grease pencil preferred?? You could find those online, or a Dick Blick near you. And while you're at it, please do 10 minutes of 30 second poses done all standing up?
As a result, you'll be able to make your sketches less stiffer, and the most dynamic, light, and lively.
Good luck with my critique!March 14, 2021 6:51am #26851Nice activity you've got going, bryanchoo1997. (Especially on the 4 minute quick sketches) Great job on articulating the gestures and constructions of the human forms, they are something.
Well, my bit of advice would and could be that you should please vary the CSI's (not related to some LA show) (I mean those straight lines and curves), thru 150 minutes of 30 second drawing exercises [150 x 60/30, 9000/30=300 exercise warm-ups], all flipped horizontally and/or vertically, and with/without grayscale?
The reason why?? Because it should be able to stylize the tones and values in lines and shapes, which can be useful in simplification, and to help make your poses less stiff, and more dynamic, energetic, fluid, and vital. If that's gonna be your goal, then go with it.
If you wish to draw for animated cartoons, then please, I need you to check out Andreas Deja's blog,https://andreasdeja.blogspot.com/, and look up Ward Kimball on the search engine here, to help you on your cartooning and caricatures.
So, my hat's off to you, and I hope you've found these definitely and absolutely beneficial, helpful, newsy, and encouraging.March 13, 2021 2:15am #26842 -