Forum posts by Polyvios Animations

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  • #26838
    Well, Jon_draws1242, Ok, I love your 1 minute poses, but I have to say that you're on the right track.

    My issue is that some of the fast poses are a bit too stiffest. Why don't you please loosen yourself up to the max, with 149 minutes of 30 second attitude sketches?????? (149 x 60/30, 8940/30=298 spontaneous scribbles of figures, no offense :))

    I really, really feel that it'll be finer that although your rapid lightning poses will become nothing but scribbles, so just please trust me? You'll be able to kiss the paper more effectively and boldly.

    The reasons why is because of two reasons: First of all, it's to help make your poses less stiffer, and the most dynamic, energetic, and fluid; and if that's gonna be your next goal, then so be it. And second, to help out on the improvements of the human figure thru the static and dynamic.

    My hat's off to you, and I hope you've found these definitely and absolutely beneficial, helpful, and encouraging.

    In the meantime, scope this YouTube video down below:

    Good luck from me to you, and happy sketching! :)
    I love the lines of animation and action, Pomdedetree. Great work on loosening yourself up on your rhythmic edges you've gotten into your attitudes.

    Yet, I've been duplicating, grayscaling, flipping and rotating those pictures, and I must do say that you're gettin' somewhere on the burlesque aspect of the scribbles, however, I totally want, and need to look for more, more, more, and more of that in the next post. Would you please go for 147 more minutes of 29 second life poses????????? (147 x 60/29, 8820/29=304 gestural sketches)

    I really feel that it's all right to be even more sketchy in your next set of sketches, as a result, your animation speed will improve in record time.

    The reason why you could and would and should do this little, tinier suggestion is because, your poses for animation will become the least stiffest and the most fluid and lively. I think and feel that you'll really make your own flip book on sticky notes just by quick sketching.

    Look at this little video right here to get you started:

    My hat's off to you on your future goals and posts, and I hope you've found these completely and positively productive and encouraging.
    Hey there, eteng. Say there, nice work on your lines of action and rhythm on those satires of figure drawings!

    Well, if I was to give a very totally honest critique, it would and could be that I really don't think that the outer contour is helping you out there. I feel that you need to lighten yourself up with long lines with life.

    Why don't you please go for 146 minutes of 20 second poses of figures????????? (146 x 60/20, 8760/20=438 warm up practice sketches)

    I really feel that it's OK to accept that your 20 second doodles will become more and more sloppy than the 30 second poses.

    The reason why you could do this suggestion is because, you'll be able to strengthen your lines of rhythm and lines of action even more gutsily and spontaneously than before.

    Good morning, afternoon or evening; good luck, and I hope you've found this completely and totally informative and educational and liberating, creatively.
    Awe-inspiring work and totally fantastic job, Dorthea2410. Way to go, pal!

    Again, I've got one smallest improvement. I love how much life and energy you've got into your scrlbbly poses, but I really need to see even more parody into those poses. Why don't you please go for 148 more minutes of 29 second figure practice poses???? (148 x 60/29, 8880/29=306 warm-up gestures for your portfolio) In the meantime, please check out this video?:

    The reason is because, though they can help you out on your energy sketches of your figures, they can also help you refine your skeleton poses through quick gestures of exaggerations.

    My hat's off to you, and good luck from me.
    Well, well, well! Eteng, that's a lot of animation and life in those sketches you've got there!!!! Way to go!!!!

    Still, I've got one little request: I love how much vitality you've got going in your practices, but why don't you please caricature those bodies even far more through 146 more minutes of 30 second warm-ups? (146 x 60/30,8760/30=292 practice attitudes, all flipped horizontally and/or vertically, or not.)

    In the meantime, what is your current goal as we speak?

    The reason why you would answer these questions is because, your figure drawing farces will become the least contrived, and the most loosest, freewheeling and the totally grotesque, despite that it might be all a bunch of scribbles. Not to mention, it can and shall help out your right side of your brain, positively.

    My lucky strike to you, and I hope you'll find these completely and totally encouraging and informative.

    Polyvios Animations.


    Look up this Betty Edwards video right down here:
    Well there, Snails, I've seen your very first 10 minute sketch of a face. I must completely and totally say, that your potential is definitely on the right track.

    And as for a tiny bit of aid, it would be to say that your face is a little bit scribbly for my tastes, yet it needs to be more loose and bolder. Why don't you please go for 10 minutes of 5 minute faces and expressions????????? (10/5=2 drawings of expressions)

    The reason why you would be trying and be going to do this is because, your faces will slowly become the least stiff, and gradually become more fluid, vital, and lively, but your myelin will thank your for this special task for you. If you really need more unique info, be sure to look up a PDF, or an out-of-print book, of Nick Meglin's Drawing from Within. (Mad Magazine)

    Good luck from me, and I hope you've found this definitely and absolutely useful and encouraging.
    Well there, Dorthea, I've looked at, flipped, rotated, and grayscaled all of your photographs, it they state to me, that, as far as gestural sketching with an emphasis on realism goes, you're definitely on the right track.

    So, I've got one tiny little, and smaller bit of advice, it would be these two: I love the range of animation and motion on your skull and nude figures; especially the skull, nicely observed, but I really want to work out your myelin with this link right here: Line of Action Learn to Draw here (hope this works, if it fails, please look for it....!) And while you're at it, unwind yourself with 141 minutes of 29 second poses, pretty please????? (141 x 60/29, 8460/29=292 quick drawings of poses, bones and muscles)

    The legitimate reason why is because of two things: First of all, if you want your gestures to have some realism, then please go for it. And second of all, this link right here: As a result, it's from the Daniel Coyle advice book, The Little Book of Talent, where this bit of advice is:
    Practice doesn't makes perfect; Practice makes myelin, and myelin makes perfect.
    My thumbs up to you, good luck from me to you, and I hope you'll find these completely and absolutely concrete and beneficlal.

    Polyvios Animations.


    Some very good abstract art, that your high school teaches, always come from a great classical training. So please take it with a grain of salt. Have a great morning.
    Nice job on your quick sketches, Dorthea2410! You're on the right track on capturing figures as wholes! (or a whole)

    Well, if I could provide you a sincere critique, it could be this: I love the motion and animation in those poses, but I really need to see more and more of them in your next post. Why don't you please go for 140 minutes of 29 second quick attitudes????? (140 x 60, 8400/29=about 290 figure cartoons, all flipped horizontally and/or vertically)

    The reason why you could and should do this great advice is because, it's because it could and would, help you out on thinking visually in your sketches quickly. For more info, look up two volumes of the Walt Stantchfield books, Drawn to Life, on Book or Kindle, on

    Good luck to you from me, and I hope you'll find this completely and totally informative, helpful, and encouraging.
    WOW!! That's a very, very beautiful facial expression drawing you've got on your Google link, dina! That's so excellent. Nicest job EVER!!! What I love about this is how much gesture you've put into the construction with greater ease.

    My advice is this suggestion: I love how much speed you've felt into the broad strokes, but I am totally hooked on them obsessive-compulsively. (I think, to me, that's a very good thing) Why couldn't you please take it easy with 138 more minutes of 29 second funny face cartoons????? (138 x 60/29, 8280/29=286 loose drawings of facial exaggerations)

    And you wanna know the reason or two why??????? Because it can and shall, and in the future will have helped you with your looser and more unbounded feeling in your caricatures and exaggerations, and funny satires of facial expressions that tell stories and communicate characters and gags. For more than enough basic information, please check out these links:

    These two links are from two Disney Aniamation legends/legacies, Andreas Deja, and Shamus Culhane. The latter link is all text, but if you can read them very carefully, and take notes, you'll get to understand it.

    Good fluke to you, and I hope you've found these totally and absolutely concrete enough.
    Dinadomingues, would you mind if I asked you if you could please give me access to your google drive drawing files?????

    Polyvios Animations.
    P.S. Keep up the greatest work!!!!!!!!!
    Hey there, hi there, ho there, andrewathom3! I love how much readabllity of those two faces you've quickly drawn out. All from screen captures, of your....what's that? Facetime?? Bold choice!!

    So, if I was to sincerely critique, or nitpick, if you will, you're doing a greater job on those facial anatomy and more importantly, gestures; I just really can't get enough of the exaggeration of those mugs and features. Would you please like to go for warming up to 135 minutes of 30 second faces and expressions warm-ups??? (135 x 60/30, 8100/30, all flipped horizontal and/or vertically, and all grayscale)

    The reason why you would, could, and furthermore, should go with these suggestions for a critique is so that you would go with two things: 1) To exaggerate the look and feel of the Facetime angles. 2) To better get a handle of understanding the perceptions of the edges, to the entire gestalt.

    Fluke to you, and I hope you've found this completely and totally productive and intuitive.

    Polyvios Animations.

    P.S. Be sure to look up Drawing on the Artist Within and Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, The Definitive 4th Edition, By Dr. Betty Edwards. These books could be of absolute assets to your current goal.
    Hello, dinadomingues, and I love how much force, form and color going on your older woman drawing. That's very excellent work, indeed! When it comes to figure drawing the clothed older ladies, you're really going great with your promise.

    So, If I was to give you a littler-bitty nitpick, then it would be that I love the look, and more importantly, the feeling of fluidity of that pose, but I just cannot seem to get enough of that in your lines of action and rhythm. Would you please like to warm-up and practice even more blind contours and gesture drawings, by means of 135 minutes of 30 second attitudes (135 x 60/30, 8100/30=270 quick poses) The reason why?????????? It's because of this video down there:

    This video is called "The Seven Ls of Gesture Drawing," and it's extremely and absolutely practical and concrete to your goal if you take a screen shot of this footage above, and warming up to it; in addition to your practice session, it's worth a try.

    Good luck to you and your current and future goals.
    Amazing work on your gestures, cyren. I especially love all the quick sketches, and the solid, longer poses at 5 minutes. And as for the 60 second (1 minute) attitude sketches, so far so good. Keep going on all of these time limits, please????????

    But in the meantime, I've got one tiny, little critique: I really admire those line qualities going on in those 30 s poses, but I see some of the lines that are way too darker. Why don't you please lighten up those edges thru 131 minutes of 29 second drawings??????? (131 x 60/29, 7860/29=271 scribbles)

    The reason why you could and would go with that approach to improvement on your very, very light touch is because it can and shall give you a much, much better feeling and humor of the gestural poses.

    My hat's off to you, and have fun with my feedback.

    Polyvios Animations.

    P.S. In the meantime, could and would you please check out a copy of the Glenn Vilppu Manual???????
    Hello there, and salutations, Rakun. I love how much gesture and forces you've got going on there.

    So, if I could and would provide you a critique or two, then it would be to exaggerate those bending over poses just a little bit more, thru the lines of action and rhythm, through going thru 130 minutes of 30 second drawings (130 x 60/30, 7800/30=260 rough sketches of attitude sketches)

    The reason why you would and could do this critique is because, you would, could, and furthermore, should give you most of the animator's lines in the dynamic, spontaneous and vital animator's sketches.

    I praise your future efforts, and I hope you've found this completely and totally beneficial and newsy.
    Hey there, stuartowendev, welcome aboard.

    I just studied and really examined your work on the gestures, and it says that you're completely on your way to really, really loosely draw for your animations, if you need it. So, if I was to suggest you a critique or two, it would be this: I love how much animation movement you've got, but I totally don't and can't get enough of the flexibility. Why don't you please lie down yourself, by going for 126 minutes of 30 second pose sketches??? (126 x 60/30, 7560/30=252 manners)

    The reason why you could and should, do this little suggestion is because, it would and could help you out on making your talents in cartooning and caricature more bolder and powerful.

    My hat's off to you, and I hope you've found this completely and totally productive, and intuitive.