- 6-Second Dissection of My Drawing Exercise
- 30-Second Scribble Warm-Up to Making the Lines My Longest and Largest.
- 21-Second Loose Warm-Up Sketch
- 10-Second Warm-Up for Improving My Flexibility of the Figure Study Forces, Most and Most Quickly
- 24-Second Loosest, Longest, Largest, Lightest and Liveliest Drawing Exercise For Figure Studies
- 17-Second Noodly and Elastic Warm-Up Exercises
- 26-Seconds, Good Night.
- 30-Second Loosest, Lightest and Liveliest One.
- 30-Second Quickest and Lightest Warm-Up Sketch
- 30-Second Warm-Up for My Character Layouts
- 11-Second Warm-Up for My Background and Character Layouts
- 17-Second Warm-Up for My Test Drawn Animation
- 30-Second Warm-Up Done for the Night.
- 28-Second Scribbly Mess Good for My Freedom
- 24-Second Warm-Up for My Layouts 1