- 30-Second Warm-Up for My Layout Boards
- 21-Second Lightest and Liveliest drawing for the night
- 22-Second Later Night Warm-Up for my Layouts and Animations
- 20-Second Loosest and Lightest Lines For My Figure Drawing Animation
- 22-Second Warm-Up for Pitch Idea
- Late Night Warm-Up of 28-Seconds
- 28-Second figure warm-up for dynamic pose.
- 30-Seconds of figures of girl ballerinas
- 27-Second Scribble of Varying Figures
- 21 Second Loosest Scribblie of the Figure Studies
- 30-Second Practice Warm-Up: 62 warm-ups a day, 67 warm-ups a week,60 warm-ups a month and 45 a year.
- 30-second that I had trouble with yesterday.
- 7-Second Loosest, Free-est and Expressive Warm-Up for Carving Out Scribbles
- 29-Second Loosest, Free-est and Expressive Warm-Up for Figure Animations
- 9-Second Pac-Mon From Memory