- 30-Second Scribbly Mess for Strictly Practice, Outlet for My Aggression, Completely Freeing Me Up
- 28-second blobby scribble strictly for practice of my figure studies
- Old Figure Study for 1 minute
- 30-Second Exercise for My Figure Gestures
- 26-Second Disconnected and More Freer Warm-Up for Figure Animations
- 2 minute figure duet
- 29-Second Quick Sketch of Flipped Vertical Figure Scribble
- 18-Second Scribbly and Loose Figure Study of Vitality and a lot of Energy
- 29-Second Last (I Feel) Practice of Animal Thumbnail Sketches For Animations
- 25-Second Animal Scribble Coaching To Be Refined
- 30-Second Free-est and Scribbler Warm-Up of Animals
- 11 seconds of all guts and no polish
- 30-Second Scribbliest Animal Exploration
- 24-Second Very, Very Rougher and Cruder Warm-Up of Animals
- 13 Second Most Scribblest and Expressive Warm-Up for My Animals