15s, 30s and 2m poses
© 2019 Torrilin
Pentel pocket brush pen, A5 Hahnemühle travel journal. Croquis Café short poses class. Collage doesn’t show full poses, sorry, but it shows the parts I liked best so. Making little collages out of life drawings was one way I started learning digital. And I’m failing to wrap my brain around a collage design that preserves drawing orientation and shows just what I want because this square format is brutal.
This was a standard Croquis Café class barring the short poses, so the interaction is stuff I added on the fly and it’s pleasing to me. It wasn’t something I’d planned or intended but it flowed naturally. Also meant I killed the journal perfectly, last pose went on last page, it was great.
My hands are very angry with me so I went for a tool that rewards loose grip and big movements. Don’t have any bigger paper to hand so I dealt with the A5.
Didn’t quite get all hands and feet in every pose but 15s is a very challenging length for me and that goal. Still not happy with how I convey darker skin tones, but I’m doing better at shadows forarm muscles. This came out with more straight lines than I wanted, but class didn’t hurt my hands more and I think I’m in less pain than I started the morning with so I’ll take the straight lines.