Yoga Practice
© 2020 Madeleine
Done as part of a 1 hour class.
My current goal is: improve angles and shapes of the body proportional to one another to create a realistic image.
I found this one particularly tricky, probably because I don't draw children often. I have a habit of making the head too big, and not having enough definition on the limbs. I caught myself making the head too big halfway through, and erased to redraw, so I am glad I am at least aware of it.
Afterwards, there was something aout the arms and legs that bothered me, and I couldn't work out what it was. I scanned it and overlaid the original image on top, which allows me to see that the angle of the legs is extremely off! The forearms are also too long. I corrected this in red pencil in my sketchbook, to make a mental note for next time. I was surprised to see that other areas of the drawing were very accurate, and recorded the most obvious mistakes, such as chin, forehead, hair shape, and fingers.
In the future I would like to explore dynamic gesture and exaggerated proportion, but feel I need to carry on studying the basics first before this is possible.
Hope you'll find it extremely beneficial and essential to your proportion studies,
Polyvios Animations