RPR Genre Mascot - 2017

by Sanne, September 11th 2018 © 2018 Sanne
This was an entry for the 2017 RPR Genre Jumble Mascot contest. I used Cuttlefish references and added some Sci-Fi/Space elements to it. :) I'm happy it placed!
Nice Space Cuttlefish! I was shocked there were fish like Cuttlefish but a Cuttlefish from outer space :mindblown:. I love how it looks like a watercolor, did you scan this one in or strictly digital?
Sanne - Moderador del sitio
Lol, thanks!

This was digital start to finish. It's a default layer texture in Paint Tool SAI that I drew this in.

You can see it being part of the final jumble in the contest here!
Polyvios Animations
Hello, and welcome back, Sanne.

Nicest job on your squid-or-cuttlefish-type RPG character in terms of the internally but graceful balance of curves against straights in the internally felt lines of action and rhythm. Please keep up the greatest work on your RPG-type character concepts.